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56 Year Old · Female · Joined on August 29, 2017 · Born on May 10th
56 Year Old · Female · Joined on August 29, 2017 · Born on May 10th

My husband Ted Vaughn Perry is a lying cheating whore who fucks anything he can put his teeny tiny limp cock into. Im dying from brain cancer and my husband is driving me insane. He screws around with bitches on this site and 95 different other sites.

56 Year Old · Female · Joined on August 29, 2017 · Born on May 10th

Activity Feed

  • Slow n deep
    My dear sweet Teddy Perry is the love of my life and he is also the reason im taking my life tonight. He is nothing but a lying cheating abusive man and he needs to be destroyed for what he has done to me.. He beat me up earlier because im upset about him screwing other woman. I love you asshole of course im upset. But he punched me in my head knowing that i have a blood clot in my brain. And any hit to my head could cause it to bust open. And ever since he hit me ive been dizzy and throwing up and my head is killing me. So all you bitches that are fucking my husband Ted V Perry ( manwholoveswoman teddy7468) watch out hes a bastard liar cunt whore and a killer

    6 years ago · Reply
  • Slow n deep
    My husband Ted Perry is a selfish bastard that violated me on valentines day. I feel like my whole world is spinning out of control due to this lying cheating abusive man who i loved so much and thought he loved me like he always said. I just want to die for what he did to me. I can only imagine how many bitches he fucking on this site.

    7 years ago · Reply
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