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35 Year Old · Female · From Tehran, Iran · Joined on July 22, 2017 · Born on September 19th
35 Year Old · Female · From Tehran, Iran · Joined on July 22, 2017 · Born on September 19th

How Zing works?
Zing helps people find the lowest cost for their transportation needs within 30 minutes. Trading companies, factories, industrial centers, farmers and everyone are the major users of Zing.
Using the current facilities and transportation portals and online connection to more than 400 freight companies, The Zing automates and organizes the flowing data in transportation industry where you can find the lowest cost through the current data flow.
Zing for drivers:
Drivers can easily find the points which a cargo is looking for trucks. Drivers offer their desirable wages without worrying about heavy commissions in transportation industry. Drivers also can reserve a cargo for upcoming days by winning a tender offer.
Zing for companies:
Companies can find the fastest and cheapest truck within 30 minutes. You no more need to get involved in finding a freight center of finding a truck by phone. Also using the Zing will eliminate the overflowed costs of commissions of intermediate persons and cargo dealers.
Zing automatically handles the legal and insurance documents for all units and you can also watch out the status of the operation online through map and notifications.

35 Year Old · Female · From Tehran, Iran · Joined on July 22, 2017 · Born on September 19th
Website: http://www.zingapp.ir
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Zingapp.ir

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  • hoomunkavosh Zing helps people find the lowest cost for their transportation needs within 30 minutes. Trading companies, factories, industrial centers, farmers and everyone are the major users of Zing. Using the current facilities and transportation portals and online connection to more than 400 freight companies, The Zing automates and organizes the flowing data in transportation industry where you can find the lowest cost through the current data flow. Zing helps people find the lowest cost for their transportation needs within 30 minutes. Trading companies, factories, industrial centers, farmers and everyone are the major users of Zing. Using the current facilities and transportation portals and online connection to more than 400 freight companies, The Zing automates and organizes the flowing data in transportation industry where you can find the lowest cost through the current data flow.

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