35 Year Old
Invited by: mufcpeter·
Joined on November 30, 2007
Born on May 5th
I am Hannah, i am 18 years old. I live with my mum and two sisters. I am interested in alot of things. I love hanging out with mates. I went to Farnham College and studied Child Care and Eduction. I love travelling by car. I go to Ireland every 2 years or so. My fav colours are: Yellow, Red, Pink, lime green. I love bright colours. My life........What can i say its shit. I hate my 'dad'. He is a alki and is no longer living with my family as he attacked my twin. ! - Anyhoos...My best mates are:Soph,Dave,Ryan,Hatty/MoleLauren,Suzi,Helen.Dean ur awesome sweetie xxThe internet and my phone are my life lines.... lol i am usually on the fone to my mates ( love you )
35 Year Old
Invited by: mufcpeter·
Joined on November 30, 2007
Born on May 5th
I listen to all sorts of music...
Heres a few...
Blink 182,
Tracy Chapman,
Foo Fighers,
My Chemical Romance,
Girls Aloud,
Green Day,
Simple Plan,
Kayne West.
etc etc etc ....