yea im jus now gettin over my week an a half cold it waz murder i hope no one get this shit because its not ya regular cold this shit is like it took some muscle pillz or somethin lol
DEEZAMN!! rainin dat bad huh...shit das like down hea in texas near da houston area it floods all da far you stay from where its doin all dat anywayz?
yea it does i needs me a razor or somethin cause they take big pics...not as bog as my camera but you think i should take more pics or jus leave it as it is?
see i would do that but if i get it to close to my face for some reason its blurry and can't hardly see it unless i have da flash on and when thats on its so fuckin bright it blinds da shit out my azz and makes me look 50 shades whiter im white enough but damn like a mummy white lmao so i have others take them from a distance wit da flash on...i have a HP photosmart m22 4.0 mega pixle digital camera/video
lol see i don't get tha time to pose for pics because da one who takes them alwayz in a i NEVER smile in pics...if i do its either because im drunk or im jus very very happy which those dayz are lone gone... i know you've seen a couple wit me smilin i them but das cause i waz drankin :) lmao does dat make me a bad person lol...but you are most welcome for tha pic comments i jus forgot to last i came hea but remembered this time hehehe
hey i have one question...i hate to bother you wit this question but da last comment i sent da white line could you see it as cursive writin or jus regular letters...da reason im askin is cause i want it to be right lol
thanx for dat also...hehehe i wonder what ya friends is gon think when they see all these comments in different colors and in tha wild fonts i use...see i can change fonts like you drank water
like this for example hehehe
or get all kine patriotic an shit hahahaha...damn what you think they gon be like? heheh
das what you possed to do and i love you attitude about situations like we're talkin bout it lets me know you have ya head on ya shoulders right...unlike most dat jus sit around an dwele on shit like this... so for that i respect you highly not only because of that but because you think wit an open mind and me bein an open minded person myself we can relate on thangs ya dig.. **big huz**
oh you know dat...gots to keep on keepin on hold ya head above da water try not to ad me?...drown?....not possible i refuse to let this get me down so i take it as my motivation an push on to a better tomorrow alwayz have an alwayz will :) :) and thanx for sayin that
yea it sucked bout my wreck but see i wouldn't change it for da of tha truck i drove in my profile....and about da singin and writin see im da same i write poems and they turn into songs hhehehe go figure huh its jus to bad i can't sing nowhere near as good as i did before but once again im not givin up and as far as my rappin skillz i would rate that a 75% but see das jus me tho...i made a video friday of me rappin this shit i jus came up wit and i took it to photo bucket an upladed it hhehehe ima slap a remix on it tie some pics of me in there in hawaii see what da out-come may look like :)
shit music is my second life...see i listen to all kinds of music but slow jamz are tha tops das da way to my heart is slow jamz hehehe...and i love my rap but not to much and some f tha alternative jus a lil bit...see i even write my own freestyle raps an i do a lil singin too...not as good as i waz before my wreck dat almost killed me..fuckin sucks because i lost my short term memory and now i don't remember shit s good as i need to when it comes to writin my own plus i had a breathin tube in my throat for 8 dayz fuckin up my glands and vocals but i try everyday to get it all back im a fighter das not gon give up :)...oh and sorry bout da rapid color changes hehehe i chose hot pink this time i thought you might like it :)
yea dat video is deep as hell i've seen it before but i had to watch it jus now to make sure i have...but yea das a good song too wit lotz of meaning...i think folks these dayz should pay attention to some of these songs comin out some (believe it or not) have hidden messages in them dat need to be never know it could save a life or better..improve might jus me and tha way i think but you understand don't you :P
oh ok lol yea i waz confused because see i also went to you tube an watched da video i waz like huh because tha video keeps freezin symbolizing"tha moment of to late" i guess das how they made it to be...see dat song"tha way i are" see i heard da black timbaland in that one and now this one it threw me off a lil bit i had to see da video lmao but yea still a damn good song :)
lol i waz too it hits close to home meaning bringing back to many bad memories...but it don't make it a bad thang i love da song no matter what hehehehe but yea i remember when it first came said timbaland i waz like dat don't sound like timbaland cause see i thought they waz talkin bout da black timberland but they spell it different i guess...or timbaland learned how to talk fluent white lmao!!
yea dat song is damn good im glad you like it its jus smooth an fits in on any situation...das jus my opinion well you can holla back if you want..if not i jus holla at you some other time or somethin **BIG HUGZ** alwayz :)
you're welcome sorry for tha late response hahaha i been busy but yea jus had to come by an say you're welcome hope all is well on your end **BIG HUGZ** alwayz :)