59 Year Old
Joined on November 25, 2007
Born on September 25th
Most people would say that I am an open and honest person and that I am very easy to talk to. My friends say I am a very caring person. Most guys tell me I have a great smile. My family knows that I love them. Taking care of my son is basically my number one job in this world, the rest just falls into place. I enjoy my job but don't live for it. What I'm Into Love Music...but have no musical talent whats so ever..hehe My Dreams Sometimes I wish I dreamed...doesn't happen to often. Time is a companion that goes with us on a journey. It reminds us to cherish each moment, because it will never come again. What we leave behind is not as important as how we have lived. ~~~Captain Jean-Luc Picard
59 Year Old
Joined on November 25, 2007
Born on September 25th
Old School, Smooth R&B, Jazz, Country, dance pop...really anything that creates a mood. Not a rocker, but can enjoy listening to a live band play classic rock.
Hey There,Welcome to the only 24/7 happy hour bar in the world...My name is HOWIE..Pull up a chair and sit yourself down at my table in my little corner of Fubario's. Let's talk awhile..Have a drink?..You make me smile, Thank you. I do not bite unless you want me to...lol..I am a very laid back person..I try to look at everything & everyone with an open mind..I want friends with whom I can sit comfortably with and chat about anything you want..If you have the need to get things off your chest I can be a very good listener..I do not pass judgement on anyone. I do not hate.I want fans to help me level up..Like a VIP..lolI want rates to help me level up also..I gave you a few big 10's now as a token of good faith. I usually wait till you say I need some help getting to the next level and you are close. I will then rate and comment the hell out of your page to help you get to where you want to be. I Promise this to you as a friend.I am a great friend to have because I am always here for you..I love all my fans and friends..Please..fan me..friend me..rate me..I will return the favor...If you decide not to be a friends at least fan me & give my profile a 10 or 11...I would you. You're already at my page so why be rude and just leave...I would not do that to you. No obligation there.LADIES PLEASE..I am not looking for hook-ups or cybersex...But I do love to flirt.GUYS PLEASE..I am not into men..I am happily married to a wonderful woman & I am gonna stay that way.I have left you a few big 10's..Hope to see your name on my lists.I wish you love..luck & laughter. God bless you and yours.If you are new to FUBAR and unsure of what to do..just click on my page and I will try to assist you.Were you kind enough to leave me a gift under my Christmas tree?Type in a question to my crystal 8 ball and see what it answers."HOWIE
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