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57 Year Old · Male · From Brookpark, OH · Joined on March 24, 2017 · Relationship status: Single · Born on September 6th · I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
57 Year Old · Male · From Brookpark, OH · Joined on March 24, 2017 · Relationship status: Single · Born on September 6th · I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!

I will start this off explaining why I do not have a salute posted. Nor, will I.
On a previous account, I submitted several. There was a certain bouncer that kept giving me shit about not having both hands holding the damn sign when, the pics CLEARLY showed one hand on the pic and, the other arm fully extended, holding the phone/camera, to take the stupid pic. We argued a bit. It got quite heated. She deleted my account. I tried several times to start new accounts and, she repeatedly deleted each one. I only talk to a couple of people on here so, going through that senseless hassle again, is pointless. If you can’t accept that, your problem, not mine.
That all being said….
At the time of this writing, I am 54. I own my house, car, truck and, Harley. I work a lot, to pay for it all… lol
I have 2 cats and, 2 pit bulls.

57 Year Old · Male · From Brookpark, OH · Joined on March 24, 2017 · Relationship status: Single · Born on September 6th · I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
Sitting by my firepit, having a few beers.
Driving my car through the park on nice days. Same with the Harley. Although, I haven’t really ridden the bike since buying the Challenger.
I don’t spend much time hanging out with friends, lately. Mostly just work and come home to the pets… lol
KISS was always my favorite band.
Chicago…. Elvis…. Neil Diamond…. LOVE old Motown…. a little bit of Jazz… not the free form stuff where, everyone is off, doing their own thing… a little bit of modern country
Oddly, my favorite movie is Radio with Cuba Gooding Jr. It’s a true story and, he did a phenomenal job in it.
A few other movies would be… Top Gun… the John Wick series…. the first couple of Fast and Furious movies. After the first few, they became increasingly more ridiculous. To the point of being unbearable to watch now.
And, I haven’t eaten McDonald’s since watching the movie Founder. It’s the story of how Ray Crock (of shit) fucked over the McDonald Brothers, every possible way he could.
Video Games
Don’t play many video games. Usually, if I catch myself playing games, it’s usually minesweeper, on my computer.

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