Hi. ADD me, FAN me, RATE MY STASH. I've given you a"10" to get you started and don’t forget to sign the guest book.ps. It’s on the left hand side of the page..Have Fun...
heres a tip for you incase you don't know already. people who rate 9 or less are classed as downraters/haters/losers. nobody likes them on FuBar, some members even send out a bulletin to all their friends telling them that they have been rated less than 10, then their friends go to the downraters profile, rate 1's then blocks them etc. so the moral is, even if you don't like what you see, either rate everything 10 to save any grief lol or just don't rate at all and move along. also people who fan you prefer to be fanned back by you in return. rating peoples profiles & pics,making friends & fanning people all helps you with points so you can level and do more things on here like add more photos and fan people. if u rate and fan me, i will do the same for u in return for your luv. i hope this helps & makes your time on here better. have a great dayMichelle xoxox
Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from S e x i l u v . c o m