Hello, how are you today? I'm good. Im looking to make some new friends. Will you be my friend? I just added some new pics ( I hope you like them). I rated you already please come on Bi and say hi and rate my profile and fan and add me as friend thanks. Much love your SexyPirate sexypirate13.... @ fubar
Thanks for the friend request. I made sure I had you rated & fanned...if you could please check & be sure you did the same for me. Much love from the Princess =)
What you heard is true. The best bomber FAMILY to belong to is here….closest family, most wins, best members…Yes indeed…..CLICK THE LINK BELOW TO ENTER THE FU-BOMBER PG!!! YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO BECOME A MEMBER OF THE BEST BOMBER FAMILY :)!!
@ fubar What is comment bombing? Comment bombing means leaving as many comments as you can on a picture. The comments do not have to make sense. Most of our bombers just hit random letters on their keyboards and hit enter. The most effective bombing is done when you just hit a few keys and hit submit and do this until you are out of comments.
@ fubar