54 Year Old
Trinidad, CO
Joined on February 15, 2017
Relationship status: Single
Born on June 16th
If you don't want to know the real me,then don't ask, I hide nothing.... ask anyone that knows me. I'll give ya the truth even if it hurts your feelers... I.D.G.A.F. And don't assume I'm like everyone else on here, I don't go to peoples profiles. I'm not here for that, I'm here to talk to people in the lounges, to actually have conversations, not win some popularity contest. Yes, I will like and rate your profile... but ONLY from my home page, you use your AP's on me, I will reply from the notifications. I will only do the same for you IF YOU COME TO ME AND ASK... I don't go into Women's SB and talk trash.... that's not me. I have more respect than to bother a Lady with rude comments in her SB. I was raised to be a Gentleman.... not some depraved idiot with no respect... Anything else... come to me and ask, I will answer HONESTLY....
Darkness, my home, my sanctuary. The Abyss, my vacation home. The light, my mortal enemy. Loneliness, my only companion. My heart, a dark
and empty void. Why so morbid and dark? Because no-one shares my pain, my anger, my lonely existence, but the tormented voices in my head.
54 Year Old
Trinidad, CO
Joined on February 15, 2017
Relationship status: Single
Born on June 16th
Who really cares???