42 Year Old
From Hazelwood, MO·
Invited by: 1354979·
Joined on November 20, 2007
Born on February 12th
I have a crush on someone!
so I could write a huge long winded description of me..but I already have so I'll just repaste that hehe
My name's Ren. I'm a 24 year old nomad, Army brat, neurotic, worry wart. I'm currently at a very weird place in my life. I'm debating joining the navy as a corpsman at the moment. I know there are people in my life that don't want me to but it has to be done for me you know? I have opinions and I'm not afraid to say them. If you want someone that candy coats things I'm not that person. At the same time I am very nonconfrontational about things in my personal life. If you're lying to me or hiding something from me 9 times out of 10 I can tell. That's the one thing I cannot stand. If you're doing something just tell me. I will probably not be pissed about it. I am open to pretty much everything. So try me sometime. I have major trust and abandonment issues so don't make me not trust you. Once you lose my trust it's very hard to get it back and even when you do it's not the same. I have two (soon to be 3) piercings other then my ears 2 (soon to be more) tattoos. My hair is dyed black but don't even dare call me a goth. I shoot people for less. Trust me. I used to work with the criminally insane. I can take you. Labels are for pussies. I'm not goth, I'm not a freak, I'm just me. Ok well maybe I'm a little bit freaky but that's another story entirely. I don't have kids. Don't act shocked. My mother taught me about contraceptives. I'm not sure if I want them either. I barely can get a grip on myself. I don't think I'd be good with a small person just yet. Don't get me wrong I love kids. I'm even going to get my msw so I can counsel them (I think at least). I just don't think I'm ready for that responsibility yet. I want to travel the world. I want to be the first person to walk the Great Wall of China in its entirety. I want to go to Athens and see the foundations of democracy. I want to see Paris. I want to see Rome. I want to go back to the UK and Ireland. I want to see a football..er soccer match in Europe.I want to see it all and do it all. I like shooting guns. There is something about it that gets my endorphines going and well...me + a man that likes to shoot + gun range = happy ending if you get my drift *wink*. No. I am not a lesbian. Being "thick" does not equal muff diver. I usually don't get along with women. Something about all my friends being guys and their girlfriends not liking me. That and my mother being psychotic doesn't help things. I like to cuddle and I'm very affectionate and giving. If we do become friends/more then friends and I start buying you things don't take offense. Every time I buy something for someone there's special meaning behind it. Like I'll buy you the first movie we ever saw together. Things like that. Don't think you owe me anything. I'm not used to getting things. Frankly, I've been treated like shit so much in the past that if you do get me something 50% of the time I will feel bad about it. You will never see me in a dress. If you do mark it in the calendar. I am the worlds biggest tomboy. I like sports. Mainly playing but I will watch with a group of people and some beer (is it done any way else? heh). I like to fish and hike. I watch porn. There is nothing wrong with a healthy fantasy life. I like video games and I don't think I am good but I'm told I am. I'm a movie geek. I own 100+ movies. For the longest time I wanted to be a doctor so I know a thing or two about the human body. And it fascinates me sometimes. Especially the mind. And the eyes. I am a walking contradiction. I'm very submissive in the bedroom but I'm independent and know what I want. I love the beach at night. I love cheesy love stories. I don't think I know how to make myself happy yet. If you're just looking for an easy lay, keep looking. I'm not on here looking to fuck. so don't try me. If you don't have the balls to state what you really want, fuck off. My relationship status is currently 'on hold'. No, this is not an open invitation to hit on me. Support your troops. It's because of them that you have your freedom. And don't fuck with me on this. Army brat, dated a Marine while he was in Iraq, in the process of losing weight so she can join the Navy...with more then 10 friends in the service..do you really want to fight me about this? Hate the war, hate the politics, DO NOT hate the soldier. I write and I draw but I don't think I have any talent so I never finish anything. I have a few stories on literotica.com . Look me up. My username is psyche212. I'm pro-choice, pro-death penalty, pro-guns with some control. I was raised jewish, practicing agnostic but would probably be a deist. Don't start preaching to me or I will blind you with my logic. Yes, my tits are real. No, you can't see them. If there's anything else you need to know just fucking ask.
42 Year Old
From Hazelwood, MO·
Invited by: 1354979·
Joined on November 20, 2007
Born on February 12th
I have a crush on someone!
mm, computers, reading, guns, cars, some sports, i'll try anything once and if i like it i'll do it again
Video Games
WoW, counter-strike, final fantasy, any first person shooter and RPG mainly
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