I used to sleep with a lil blue/grey cat named phuzz phat,now i sleep with a phat kat called GRIMLET,, Chai rules!!! and i drink a lot of red bull too..one of my biggest heros will always be TankGirl, yes a comic book!!!..I doodle draw and paint...color is good i like Kaminski....i drink Newcastle or Guinness and sake. I’m an artist by nature but have a hobby in science….i smoke but think hallucinegenics are the greatest thing known to man even though ive only partaken a few times....do like kids...want to get a rattle snake tattoo around one of my legs with the Mexican skull and rose vine...the interconnectedness of the universe is fascinating to me....i like to sing , when no one is around mainly in my truck...don’t mind pagans but cant stand Satanist’s who are members of an organization for non joiners, i think someone missed the point...I’ve seen Mexico and the east and west coasts..and many other fascinating countries, I love to travel...i don’t care about where i shop....i love boobies, including mine and their jewelry,,, reading is fundamental,,, i like the right side of the bed....Adam west is a sexy beast in his tight costume,,, i want to learn to play D&D, ARGH MATEY - A PIRATES LIFE FOR ME!!!!....... voyeurism is a fun hobby/field of study,,,,,, I’m really a bat demon in disguise,,,,, my eyes change color and I’m really a blonde too...hmmm....a trickster can kick an evil doers ass any day, i wasn't questioning the reality of your wits, you have them, so I guess they are real,,,,,,,l, hey, i write really bad poems to little girlies, want to swap and have sleep overs, ha ha ha,,,,,, been to Mexico on many occasions, i used to drive diesel trucks sometimes, cause im a diesel mechanic,,,funny how that works huh,,,,i'm all for radiation treatment of disabled Disneyland minds, i believe I shop smart - I shop Smart all the time,,,,, ah books i will have so many, my mom and I are equestrian horse people, who love snakes and don’t mind spiders,,, i give good massages but they cost a nickel, im not old or buff, but I am fit and healthy...Thoth and Anubis are two of my favorite gods...physical pain is easy to handle. Its pain of the heart (love) is what I can’t handle...I’m an artist so I’m confused, emotional and can’t believe you can’t read my mind. Or know what I mean..watching old star trek while high is an A+, dressing up in costume and going to a convention is a F-...i want a pair of silver Elvis TCB shades...Angelina Jolie (insert drool here)....you can find great clothes at thrift stores....I LOVE camping AND offroading but always get stuck with people who only have cars...i think every one wishes they had the silver spoon in their mouth...tigers are the greatest of the great cats, but lets not forget about wolves and big fuzzy bears with wiggly noses...and NEVER forget about the MEERKATS...ok you talked me into it...I’ll say more….Lucifer, Fenrir & Kali form my trinity...Opals are the most beautiful gemstone ever - hands down...i had a chain on my pants but had to leave it at the Troubadour....i wear shorts not skirts on hot summer days...I’ve never thought about that, where is the bathroom on TV shows??...I’m an ice tea woman myself,,,,,, regular soda has a nasty sugar after taste...everyone needs more tats & steel....bdsm, tried it,,,,had tons o fun and will be getting back into it,, always kind of felt at home there....perversity is the spice of life..i think I do have a want to be submissive, but my drive has always been to dominate..the S-2000 is a fast lil car if speed is all that matters....i like music that’s meaner or way softer than slipknot n korn... metal will always be my roots…….beauty is in the eye of the beholder...i like red or green string lights....i just learned the life lesson of how being nice can just get you fucked over. And over and over again. I can justify diametrically opposed view points in my head......i want two pet rats and a cat, interesting huh,,,,, i used to work for a company called Peterbilt....i like night time with a full moon…..im so from So Cal but ended up on the east side for lil while, the Army thing...i like pop rocks, and yes a bit to much, im surprised they don’t melt in the sun......i bet a nickel you cant lick your elbow,,,,,,,,well my little porcupine friends, its funny that you can comment on what i write, yet people don’t, so whats the point of having it? But I could be thinking to hard about this?? but it is not interesting how i am a huge goober!,,,, I want a 71’ hemi cuda 427 AGAIN (I really miss my last one, uncle john has it in Maryland right now) and the torque is totally made for beach racing, I’m telling you, yes they still do that up by Santa Barbara, CA………. i don’t want world peace i just want Bush out of the white house and in a white jacket, he sent me to Iraq, but NO no hard feelings,,, and i loathe guys who say they love to go down on a girl and then they never do, or say your gorgeous and never look at you,,,, that’s just irritating,,,,,,i like Applebee’s especially at happy hour.. i like little pubs or sport bars, not to big into the Club scene unless its INDUSTRIAL then its ON!!!!,,,,,my booty doesn’t like "to shake" with three thousand other hoochie mama's around staring me down,,,,,,,,slight low self-esteem, no huge low self esteem on my looks,,,, im a jack of all trades yet a master to none….i love tattoos on me and other people, just not the generic pick one from the wall stuff, unless it has been modified....i need more. Lots more..i like old muscle cars and the rice burner imports, it is all about speed after all, even though the old muscle has more style...horror movies and David lynch rule, i always carry a broomstick when watching it in the dark....i like to read pulp fiction and food for thought...listening to someone playing loud distorted guitar is like meditation to me...i like to be naughty but usually see how far the other person is going to go before i do so....i have been told im good in bed by a few ladies, and a couple gents, i don’t really know since I’ve never slept with myself so ill take there word for it....being a leader could get me killed, so i better be careful!!!!.....um....you know we covered a lot of ground already....im the nicest most laid back person in the world till i get fucked over a few times then well, not so nice....i just don’t under stand why the world has so many issues, if only every one would relax a bit....well....follow....to be continued………