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Female · Invited by: 1336610 · Joined on November 19, 2007 · Born on January 1st
Female · Invited by: 1336610 · Joined on November 19, 2007 · Born on January 1st

Most people do not know there are 9 circles in hell: the first being the furtherst away from hell and the nineth being the closest. you may find me in the second circle.. 'Lustful" although my level is certaintly not the closest to hell, it is the most sought after.. many come here just to feel the heat of my circle. i live only to serve my king and queen: the dark prince and dark princess lillith... they come often to play with me and my sisters.

Female · Invited by: 1336610 · Joined on November 19, 2007 · Born on January 1st
This is my sister, PRIDE. She is always looking at herself in the mirror.. Warning to those who hold more beauty than she does., for she will suck the life straight from their bodies leaving nothing but dust and bones. This is my sister ENVY. Although she is the laziest of my sisters , she is the most clever. With no effort she can evoke jealousy among man, and make them envious of all around them. She will then fed from this energy leaving her with nothing to do but lie around and enjoy the luxuries the lustful circle has to offer.. This is my sister WRATH. She lives in the fifth circle, but can most often be found in the lower circles of hell. It is rumored that she wishes to be a fury, a gate keeper of the lower circles that is run my Medusa,. WRATH is the moodiest of my sisters and we try hard not to make her angry..

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