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51 Year Old · Male · From Iowa · Joined on December 22, 2016 · Relationship status: Single · Born on January 10th

First of all, I'm not here to find someone to have cybersex with. If that's what you're after, then don't waste my time or yours. I also don't see this as a dating site(not that I'd push the possibility away). To me this is just another way to kill time (a game) and maybe make friends.

I will not ask for anything, so please don't bother to ask me for anything. If you have 30,000 friends, then you don't need to ask me for anything. If you need to beg for something from me, then you've come to the wrong person. I have much better things to spend my money on. If I buy you a drink, it'll be a rare thing. If i give you bling, watch out...the sky is going to fall!

I've had enough drama in the past year, I don't need anymore. January 2016 I was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease and since September 2016 I have had two massive heart attacks. So as you can see, I have had enough to last for quite awhile.

If you truly want to make a new friend, by all means, contact me. I'm not one to come out of my comfort zone and talk first. If you just want to add me to boost your numbers, then please don't waste my time. Anything else you want to know, ask.

51 Year Old · Male · From Iowa · Joined on December 22, 2016 · Relationship status: Single · Born on January 10th
Squirrel's VLOG

Information for Squirrel's VLOG (Video blog)

All VLOGs will be sent to squirrelsvlog@gmail.com

No NSFW videos will be posted

All entries need to be sent with user name, and url. Example, Spicy Squirrel http://fubar.com/13452528

Try to keep videos between 2 and 3 minutes long.

All VLOGS will be viewed by me before being posted.

Have fun with the VLOG.

Remember to be an adult. No swearing, no nudity, nothing prejudice, and nothing inappropriate.

Remember, try to have some taste with your VLOG.

Be original. Don't do what everyone else does. Be yourself and make it unique.

Keep in mind this is just a trial run. If it works and I receive a lot of interest, I will award prizes in a later contest.
Video Games
World Of Warcraft

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  • Spicy Squirrel Why do women think their only asset is to show cleavage, yet they complain about attracting losers?
    • JeN BlaH BlaH Don't like the pics, don't look..it's that easy..and BTW I do not recall ever "complaining" to you about them either.
      6 years ago · Reply

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