70 Year Old
Maple Ridge, BC, Canada
Joined on November 28, 2016
Relationship status: Widowed
Born on July 23rd
Basically, I retired from the professional life which was after 20 years of advanced education earning various doctorate degrees in Psychology, Philosophy, and modern day Social/Cultural Anthropology. (no not digging around old bones), and getting masters degrees in biology and neural sciences, and over 20 years in the practice of various fields of Psychology and pioneering in new techniques of my last career in the field, Forensic Psychology. It was time to start having fun again.
I must establish first. I am a modern idealist and I am not interested in entering into any long time relationships. I already did that, and it was an amazing relationship, but I lost my wife to renal failure due to her contracting an illness during a tropical vacation, and her immune system just could not fight it. I would never put a woman in the position of taking second place to my devotion to that relationship. Yes, I have gotten well past the entire grief and mourning stage years ago, but made the choice, my choice to stay single and love lots of women and not be tied down to just one. This is a new age of romance, bringing back the nostalgia of when men were gentlemen and women were ladies. I socially date, have a great time, and then we each go our separate ways, no strings, no attachments, no desire to own or possess a mate, no jealousy, and no downsides of a relationship. Sorry, no more institutes of marriage for me.
On top of my formal education I am also what is called and autodidact. Now what that is, is a person who has the capacity to self educated themselves through research and experience. Probably the greatest autodidact in human history was none other than Leonardo da Vinci, a man far ahead of his time, and one of my greatest inspirations.
As for hobbies, well I guess I already hinted at that, I read, and I read a lot. I also do volunteer work in my community. Which of course is an asset to my social life. I am also a musicologist and a fountain of knowledge about rock, blues, R&B, among all genres of music. I am also a film buff, but not a great fan of Hollywood, I am more in tune with independent films and film making, foreign films, and documentaries. I am also a humorist who enjoys satire above all forms of humor. Very few people have come to the realization that poet and playwright William Shakespeare was one of the greatest satirists of all time. Yet people keep mulling over the incorrect aspects of Shakespeare's writing. It is simple, satire pokes fun at what we take for granted. That is what William Shakespeare did, he poked at romance, other cultures, and his favorite, Monarchy.
I am not an optimist, I am a pragmatic realist. Yes, I am guilty of having a natural high intelligence and because I made the best of it, does not make me some kind of a freak. Just someone with more data, and experience utilizing that data. My life was always about understanding the human experience, the human condition, the human psyche, and the human behavior. I had the hunger and thirst to know, and made the effort to learn and discover. Now I know.
I am easy going, laid back, and fearless.
70 Year Old
Maple Ridge, BC, Canada
Joined on November 28, 2016
Relationship status: Widowed
Born on July 23rd
I am interested in social awareness. People have the right to be what they wish to be. People have the right to earn and learn a better education. Most important people have a right to be who and what they are. Race does not matter, religion does not matter, and sexual preferences do not matter. Why? Because they are all human rights and none of us has the right to place our biased judgement on any of it.
I am not one of the stereotypical types who bleeds romantic notions such as, "Walking barefoot on a moonlit beach holding hands." Good grief! I am not a fitness zealot, nor one who hugs trees and then has the audacity to call themselves a vegetarian or a vegan. Humans are built to be carnivores. Our brain depends on oxygen rich blood, and the best way to get that is by eating meat. It is all about moderation. Organizations such as Greenpeace and Peta are not only more trouble than they are worth, they are money mongers.
My musical preferences are Rock, Blues, and R&B. I still prefer to read the classics over and over rather than most of current literature, but I am impressed by coauthors Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child and their fictional hero off the wall FBI agent Aloysius Xingu Leng Pendergast. Top notch mystery and suspense fiction with a rich mix of all genres of literature.
I am also guilty of creating mayhem in the world of practical jokes, pranks, and all around mischief.
Just about all genres of Rock. Classic Rock, Oldies Rock, Psychedelic Rock, Hard Rock, Rock 'N' Roll, Art Rock, Progressive Rock, Arena Rock, Folk Rock, Country Rock, Punk Rock and Heavy Metal. I also enjoy all of the Blues, Chicago Blues, Southern Blues, Memphis Blues, Delta Blues, New Orleans Blues, and of course Boogie Blues. In R&B I like what they refer to as Blue eyed soul.
I am a musicologist, that means I do not believe in the concept of "the best" but rather one of the best. Nor do I get into the whole this is better than that ideal. Personal taste is perfectly fine, but it is NOT gospel of the truth for everyone's reality. I get annoyed when folks say, "the best ever!" Who are they trying to persuade? Respect the artist and don't rate or rank the artist.
To me it's just not the hit song, it is all about the way music presents itself, the direction, the instrumentation, the vocals, the members of a band, the producer, the engineer. The creative process. I buy albums, not singles. Current artists? Well Grandaddy, Paolo Nutini, and Lords of Leon to name a few. All time favorite I never get tired of listening to? What can I say, I am a die hard Beatles fan. Do I have any musical talent? Only my ears in what I hear. I have a guitar; can't play it, a flute; can't play it and a bunch of harmonicas; can't play them either, but I enjoy that they give me comfort and what noises I make with them give me solitude even though none of it is recognizable. I just wing it.
I like old movies, foreign movies, mystery and suspense, and horror flicks.
I don't idolize anyone in the film industry. Although I have a profound admiration for the creativity and humor of the late Peter Sellers.
Video Games
I don't play video games or any games anymore. Yes there were times in my past where I was all about playing Final Fantasy on a Playstation, but I simply lost interest in video games. I am not a player.
Which is great because I don't have to go out and purchase over the edge state of the art computers that are necessary for the gamer player's fix. I spend less money and my laptops and devices are super fast because I don't weigh them down with so many applications running in the background.