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Stats for Jan 4

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39 Year Old · Female · From California · Joined on November 25, 2016 · Born on August 26th · I have a crush on someone and 3 different people have a crush on me!

If you buy me a bling pack I will spend it on you.
I'm shy.
I'm a goofball once you get me to open up.
I'm Irish (My temper runs hot)
I hate rejection or feeling unwanted ( who doesn't)
You can't make me happy ONLY I can... ( recently learned.. I'm slow. sometimes I"m 5 or act it)
I love teal
I love bubbles, beaches, anything related to the sky, and rainbows.
Baby animals make me smile.
I have a soft spot for sailors and truckers.
I'm a mother of 3 wonderful gifts from GOD. I don't have bling credits. I won't buy bling credits. I won't take money from my children to give to you. YOU, will never be that important to me.
I won't come to you directly for bling. I don't use people. If you see a status and want to help. I appreciate you.
My eyes are my favorite part of my body... Yes, they change colors with my mood. Run away if they are green.
My family is who I talk to most on here. Respect them, they are there for a reason.
I probably will not level up again.. I"m not a cool kid and I need to much to level. I won't pay for it don't expect anyone else to either.. Thank you to all those who have helped me reach this level. You are appreciated.
I've put Vexation away she's my alter ego and gone back to Beautifully Broken. I've been through more than you could imagine. I've been put down and broken more times than I like to admit. I've been down and broken again within the last month. I am regaining my confidence and on the road to finding myself again. I was sooo lost. I'm not that girl, I don't like the girl I was. I'm sorry if I lashed out at you or lost touch with you during that time. I'm a fighter. I will pick my pieces up and put myself together every time. I may be broken but i'm still beautiful. You can not take my happiness no matter how bad you hurt me.

39 Year Old · Female · From California · Joined on November 25, 2016 · Born on August 26th · I have a crush on someone and 3 different people have a crush on me!

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