39 Year Old
From Pueblo, CO·
Joined on July 6, 2016
Born on March 15th
I have a crush on someone!
Separated from my wife of 10yrs. Done with that game time for somthing new!!! I have four children 2 girls 2 boys. Im pretty easy going. I like outdoor stuff like camping, fishing, partys, sex....etc... lol! ASK ME !!!!!
39 Year Old
From Pueblo, CO·
Joined on July 6, 2016
Born on March 15th
I have a crush on someone!
ASK ME!!!!!
Underground Hiphop, Trap/dubstep, classic rock, rock, etc,......
Video Games
PS4 stuff
Latest Status
Woo pwest ladies hit me up n lets meet up!!!! @=====D 9303193