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39 Year Old · Male · From Panama City, FL · Joined on April 12, 2016 · Born on January 8th

39 Year Old · Male · From Panama City, FL · Joined on April 12, 2016 · Born on January 8th

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  • Toby Kwimper Our National Anthem was written by Francis Scott Key aboard a British Vessel holding him prisoner as they were bombarding a United States Coastal Fort at the beginning of the War of 1812, our freedom as a nation was dangling by the tiniest of threads as England looked to bring us back under the yoke of their tyranny and the insanity of King George, our nation back then or up to 1960 would never dream of not standing, taking off a hat, and singing it whenever and wherever it was offered, and even if they did not know the words they mouthed it like they did, giving people the right to protest or loathe this great nation and it's anthem has never and will never make this or any nation great, it only weakens and dilutes it's strength which shields the freedom which protects those who would like a cancer rot this nation to it's core, If you respect the Flag, Our Anthem, our Veterans, and Our Freedom, then Stand and be heard expel those who would use Freedom to destroy it, find another way to protest
    8 years ago · Comment

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