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Female · Joined on April 5, 2016 · Born on November 30th
Female · Joined on April 5, 2016 · Born on November 30th
Female · Joined on April 5, 2016 · Born on November 30th

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  • lildemongirl6838 Lake property 4 sale (74451) Tenkiller Harbor Community, 4 lost with full hookups, one 50 amp rest r 30, storage building & tree house on property, all lots sit on a corner spot, $18,000, message me if interested
    8 years ago · Comment

Activity Feed

  • Jaglildemongirl6838
    ***********************~ THOUGHTS OF TODAY *~We've been pulled into different directions. It's scary to think that we won't be together in this part of our lives. But I still believe that whatever miracle brought us together to be friends would again take place someday.*************************~~HELLO MY SWEET DOLL ENJOY YOUR FRIDAY AND THE REST OF THE WEEKEND HUGS AND KISSES~~

    8 years ago · Reply
  • Jaglildemongirl6838
    ***********************~ THOUGHTS OF TODAY *~our lips to mine and mine to yours.... As you draw me nearer and feel you closeShivers it gives as your fingertips glide my back. Making me close my eyes as your lips part to mine.I feel your tongue trace down my neck and lower Giving me aching spasm as it weakens me everYou tease even more and went down and underMaking me sing blissfully with sweet sighs I cant bear any longerI see you lusting and loving at my centerWith heavy eyes, catching my breath over and over I desire more and more my body wanting you closerBut you unendingly seek to have me in bliss as you please Touching me, feeling you linger more so deepThat my body aches in pain and pleasure you giveThe love and lust from long desirous need Has come at hand as your body get closer to mine.Like dancing in waves in the rhythm of loveThe passion and desire I feel from you insideFor every thrust as you come in and outIt gives delight for each moan and deep sighOne by one the remnants of distance closed its gapAs we erupt into each other's arms And see the glow our hearts have givenIt shows as we rest with smiles on our faces..*************************~~HELLO GOOD MORNING MY SWEET DOLL ENJOY YOUR THIRSTY THURSDAY HUGS AND KISSES~~

    8 years ago · Reply
  • Jaglildemongirl6838
    ***********************~ THOUGHTS OF TODAY *~Beauty isn't about having a pretty face it's about having a pretty mind ,a pretty heart and a pretty heart and a pretty soul.*************************~~HELLO MY SWEET DOLL HAPPY HUMP DAY TO YOU SWEETIE PIE~~

    8 years ago · Reply
  • Jaglildemongirl6838
    ***********************~ THOUGHTS OF TODAY *~"Some people are special cause of what they say or what they do but you are special to me because of the things you've done for me and who you are in my life. Cause just by being there, you've made all the difference."*************************~~HELLO GOOD MORNING MY SWEET DOLL LET THIS MONDAY WILL BE AMAZING AND YOUR WEEK GOING TO BE SUCCESSFUL~~

    8 years ago · Reply
  • Jaglildemongirl6838
    ***************************~ THOUGHTS OF TODAY *~"Anyone can love a rose ,but it takes a lot to love a leaf . It's ordinary to love the beautiful, but it's beautiful to love the ordinary ."******************************~~HELLO GOOD MORNING MY SWEET DOLL HAPPY HUMP DAY ENJOY YOUR WEDNESDAY~~

    8 years ago · Reply
  • 8 years ago · Reply
  • Fsuallday5lildemongirl6838
    Very nice pics. Ty

    8 years ago · Reply
  • 8 years ago · Reply
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