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49 Year Old · Male · From Kingfisher, OK · Joined on April 2, 2016 · Relationship status: Single · Born on August 28th
49 Year Old · Male · From Kingfisher, OK · Joined on April 2, 2016 · Relationship status: Single · Born on August 28th

I am an oak firmly planted by the waters of Euphrates. I am the 3 headed dog named Cerebrus that guards the Gates of Hades . I am war incarmate. I am filled with rightious hate. I can swat the stars from Heaven, I can close the pearly gates.. I can jump any obstacle, climb up any peak. I can see without even looking. Find without having to seek. I am uber special-(ed) I am definitely unique. In not a superman and I cannot climb walls lm just an normal guy who's got brass balls. . My name.... is BRANDON!!!. Now Some words hold true for ages long, and greater and braver men may have come and gone gone, but none like me shall you chance upon. I broke the mold I swear it's true, I'm weird and 'm strange and i do what i do.. I'm the odd one out, the one that's throw'd to the curb, a little off his rocker ,but man have i got nerve. I get kinda out there, way off in left field, seemingly a bit ordinary, but man I am quite skilled.
lights on and all aglow, but no ones home least no one that i want u to know. I'm The pinnacle of strangeness,my strangeness cant be beat, and in a strange place and a strange world that's saying a lot. yes,.... that's quite a feat...

49 Year Old · Male · From Kingfisher, OK · Joined on April 2, 2016 · Relationship status: Single · Born on August 28th

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