Hey Sweetie :)Thx for checking out my page and the add request.I fanned and rated ya.I'd really appreciate it if you would be kind enough to fan me too!Hope you are having a great weekend!Stop by anytime. Don't be a strangerxXOo[♥]
Thank you so much for the add! Now that you are a part of my life on here, please make sure you add, rate, and fan my R/L gf! I love this woman with all my heart!~Slave Princess~ Fu-Fiancee to Ser William & Seductive Princess~Owner of Castle Secrets~ @ fubarNow that you have done that, please go bomb this pic as much as you can, I would really appreciate it! This is one of the sweetest girls on this site, and I love her to death! She is my Fu-Fiancee, about to marry me and my girlfriend. You will love her too, but not quite as much as I do, because that's just not possible. Make sure you add the host if you can, or you can't bomb her! Thanks so much! Just click on the pics to go to the right pages!
I hAvE fAnNeD yOu AnD rAtEd YoU. nOw HeRe Is WhAt I aSk In ReTuRn!!! CaN YoU pLeAsE dRoP mE a CoMmEnT oR fEw On ThIs PiC? i Am In A hUgE cOnTeSt AnD nEeD hElP. tHaNk So MuCh, AlL lOvE wIlL bE rEtUrNeD!!!TO HELP YOU MUST BE A FRIEND OF:~THE ORIGINAL FU-DADDY™~THE TEXAS GODFATHER™~R/L BF OF ♥Arkansas Vixen♥~'SO IF YOU ARE NOT A FRIEND PLEASE BECOME ONE TO HELP ME!!!Please click the photo to bomb!If the pic link does not work then just click here:CLICK HERE TO HELP ME
Thank you for the add! Now, since you are a part of My life on here, please go to these two pages and rate, fan and add these two wonderful people! They are the two most important people in my life on here, and I don't care if you have an issue adding men or women... just do it!!!Ser William @ fubar~Seductive Princess~Co-Owner of Castle Secrets @ fubarPlease allow me to introduce my lounge to you! Castle Secrets is the first Fubar dungeon, where everyone of like minds can come together and enjoy each other's company without hassle, drama, discrimination, or anything to worry about! Stop in, say hi, and hang out and get to know each other! Promising to be one of the hottest lounges to hit fubar, just click on the banner to enter! Joining or not is strictly up to you! Stop by, say hi, show us some love, and let us know what you think!Introducing Castle Secrets! @ fubar
Just coming by to check out your page!!!! I rated your profile a 10, if I hadn't done it already. Also, on my page you can find links to my Yahoo group, Myspace page, and my different websites. Don't forget to check out my pictures when you get a chance. I HAVE NO PRIVATE PICTURES! (If you can't see them, check my blog for instructions on how to fix your settings.CLICK HERE TO LEARN HOW TO FIX YOUR SETTINGS) Would love to know what you think of them! I would love it if you became a fan of mine!(If you already have, thank you!) Also, if you are looking for some great people to check out on here, check out my blog. Click here --->>> Real Sexy Woman & Men on fubar .
Have fun!
Michele Raven
Click picture below to join my friend La*La's and my lounge!
Thank you so much for adding me as a friend. I left some love on your page! I hope you have a great day and I look forward to talking to you soon. CHEERS (b)X♥X♥X♥ SiN DeReLla X♥X♥X♥