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44 Year Old · Male · From DeSoto, TX · Joined on October 4, 2007 · Born on August 2nd
44 Year Old · Male · From DeSoto, TX · Joined on October 4, 2007 · Born on August 2nd

Wassup everybody this is DeMarcus in Dallas,TX. I am Sahure Amen-Hetep for all you fellow Ausar/Auset Society members. I love meeting new people so by all means give me your best shot ; ). I am into History, Religion, and Psychology so if you're into those things too let's chat! I'd definitely love to hear from you. I like to talk but i can't think of much else to say here, so dont be a stanger. Peace DeMarcus

44 Year Old · Male · From DeSoto, TX · Joined on October 4, 2007 · Born on August 2nd
I'M NEW ON HERE SO BEAR WITH ME ; ) I like meeting women who like semi-nerds like me. I like having my perspectives on life broadened by new experiences. I have never had an Asian or Hispanic female friend- so i am curious about that. There are many around here in Dallas. I was born to be a Psychologist/ Philosopher so I love to meet people who intrigue me. I am very affectionate, and out-going, yet I am a home-body and like to read and write just as much as going out. I have too many intellectual interests to deal with properly. I like everything from linguistics to astrology, from psychology to archaelogy, or music to mythology- I can't leave any of them for long.
The Shawshank Redemption The Matrix trilogy Antwone Fisher Collateral Sci-Fi Syriana Saving Private Ryan Madea's Family Reunion Yesterday
Umm....don't have too many of those....Maybe Malcolm X- he was a thoughtful person who change many times throughout his life, and was willing to do anything to help change the lives of others. My Mom and Grandparents- for raising me.

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