Blame for the Faults of Others, How Can I write about your Beauty when your claws of angry are Scratching my eye's out, How Can I wipe the Tears from my Eye's when your Spit lands upon my face Like Venom, How Can I say I love you when your shadow Haunts Me as my Lie's once did, My HeartAches to see you Hate me with Every fault of Every Man woman or Child, I Drown In my Own Tears as I laid On your Bed of crush Glass and Eggs Shells, I Hide From your Thoughts From Words Spoken From Others, The War I am in is Not Mine nor Yours but Nonsense created By the Ones that spoken , If I Can not See your angry Beauty that Haunts My Every Waken Moment, Then Spit in my eyes and claws my face listen to Spoken Words From others, Let Me Drink from your Angry cup of Venom Blame me for the Faults of Others, How do you fall in Love when you Blame me For all the Others. CPR2007 James Landry.
Blame for the Faults of Others, How Can I write about your Beauty when your claws of angry are Scratching my eye's out, How Can I wipe the Tears from my Eye's when your Spit lands upon my face Like Venom, How Can I say I love you when your shadow Haunts Me as my Lie's once did, My HeartAches to see you Hate me with Every fault of Every Man woman or Child, I Drown In my Own Tears as I laid On your Bed of crush Glass and Eggs Shells, I Hide From your Thoughts From Words Spoken From Others, The War I am in is Not Mine nor Yours but Nonsense created By the Ones that spoken , If I Can not See your angry Beauty that Haunts My Every Waken Moment, Then Spit in my eyes and claws my face listen to Spoken Words From others, Let Me Drink from your Angry cup of Venom Blame me for the Faults of Others, How do you fall in Love when you Blame me For all the Others. CPR2007 James Landry.