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63 Year Old · Male · From Orlando, FL · Joined on October 3, 2007 · Relationship status: It's Complicated · Born on September 6th · 2 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!
63 Year Old · Male · From Orlando, FL · Joined on October 3, 2007 · Relationship status: It's Complicated · Born on September 6th · 2 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!

Well this needed a revamping so I deleted all the old shit so I can think of new shit. First and foremost I'm 48 and not feeling any younger than that. I've been through two divorces and 4 sons and hell and back a few times. I live in Florida and I'm tired of the endless summers. At first about a year ago I thought I was here for sex and checking out cute women but I realized I had already done all that crap and as much as you might disagree with me .... it gets really old really fast. I want to meet friends and I don't mean all the rating and blinging and bullshit, I mean friends who I can talk to and know and have things in common. I can't stand people who use words from hip hop like BISHES, and HOES. If I come across some woman who denigrates herself by calling herself a HOE or BITCH I'll try to be kind enough to correct her. White people who talk black never EVER makes sense to me. BE YOURSELF!!! I want a friend who likes horror movies and twilight zone episodes.I want a friend who likes Star Trek. I take Trek seriously and I live by the COVENANT created by Gene Roddenberry. If you want to know what that is just ask me. I want a friend who I can have something in common with. I'm so damn tired of being alone. Here's the thing ... If I add you and we never talk to one another guess what? DELETE!!! I will not have faces on my friends list if that's all they are. I'm here for something real and true. If I'm your friend then you have the best friend in the world. If you rate me or even check me out I'll usually thank you with a gift or just say thanks. That's the way I am in the real world. I'll be your defender and I'll be there when you really need someone to talk to. I might sound abrasive but that's just how I am. I will tell you this. I'm the most open minded man you'll ever meet, and maybe that might be a little scary sometimes but I feel that to be closed minded I wouldn't be a very good friend. I'll only keep friends who keep the friendship going. I'm a very simple person once you get to know me, and if you really want to know me ..... just ask. I'm right here. ANYONE WANTING TO BE A FRIEND WILL HAVE TO BE JUST THAT. I'M NO POINT WHORE AND WONT ACCEPT POINT WHORES. IF YOU WANT A FRIEND I'LL BE THE BEST OUT THERE BUT THAT'S IT!!! I'LL ADD ONLY REAL FRIENDS WHO ARE INTO TALKING AND SUPPORTING EACH OTHER. I also host this show on YouTube called Smokin A LOUD!!!. Its a cigar smoking, political show and if you want to know ... THE TROOPS AND THE CONSTITUTION is the most important things to me. I'm a CONSERVATIVE and a registered INDEPENDENT.

63 Year Old · Male · From Orlando, FL · Joined on October 3, 2007 · Relationship status: It's Complicated · Born on September 6th · 2 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!




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imikimi - Customize Your World!

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I have many movies I like. Most are horror old and new. I can go as far back as NOSFERATU 1922 and as new as SAW 6 2009. If I were to think of what my favorate movie is I would have to say John Carpenter's HALLOWEEN.
I can't think of any real living idols but I would put Christ up there and from there, well I would have to think of that.

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