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38 Year Old · Female · From Oklahoma City, OK · Invited by: InsomniCat · Joined on February 26, 2006 · Born on March 17th · I have a crush on someone!
38 Year Old · Female · From Oklahoma City, OK · Invited by: InsomniCat · Joined on February 26, 2006 · Born on March 17th · I have a crush on someone!

Well i am me i dont put a front on w/anyone.. i'm here on earth to have fun,have sex, go out, party, make babies... which i wont be doing again for A VERY LONG TIME! and to make ppl happy.. yep i think thats why i was put on this earth... or something to that effect! I am 19 i will be 20 in like 16 days (March 17th if anyone wanted to know) and yea i'm just getting older.. thats no fun at all... i have two beautiful daughters and a wonderful husband who i love very much! But i do have my play time also.. but NO MALES ALLOWED! thats fo sho... but i like to have friends that i can talk to...!!! We just recently moved so i havent had time to really even think about posting anything.. i've been SOOOOOOO... worn out from moving.. and it sucks having to move anyways! but it happens but if you want to know more just ask!

38 Year Old · Female · From Oklahoma City, OK · Invited by: InsomniCat · Joined on February 26, 2006 · Born on March 17th · I have a crush on someone!
Well hmmmm... i can finally sit down and do this w/o anything to take me away or keep me from thinking! which is pretty easy i might add... the keeping me from thinking thing!! well i'm thinking my interest are mostly girls.. sorry guys! but my interest are more in the female side of the dugout! but i like to hang out w/everyone! i like to hangout w/my family.. and to take great care of my children... but my best friends are my daughters.. they mean the world to me so they come first! in my interest! But when i have a chance i LOVE to go out and just have a good time.. i get tired of sitting at home all the time.. kinda gets boring and lonely.. but oh well life goes on, but i have lots of interest just really dont know what other interest i might have.. other then what all other females have as an interest which would be SHOPPING.. b/c what female doesn't like to shop i know i LOVE to shop but sometimes spend more money then what i should... OOPS!
Pink - Stupid GirlHTML Provided by: www.OFFUHUGE.com
Little mermaid is one.. since its soooo freakin cute!

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