64 Year Old
From Ellington, MO·
Invited by: giddyupgo1·
Joined on October 1, 2007
Born on January 31st
I'm about as content as I can be, I have a great family a loving husband three great kids all hard workin good parents,who have given us four beautiful grand kids. I couldn't be any prouder of them.. They are my first and farmost intrests.. I also Love to swim, I could live in the water if god would have given me gills. I like to fish, and play softball, anything to keep me outside I dont like being in the house,got to have fresh air!! I hate cold weather (stuck inside)WWM
64 Year Old
From Ellington, MO·
Invited by: giddyupgo1·
Joined on October 1, 2007
Born on January 31st
I like any kind of music except classical it puts a person to sleep, ya cant dance to Baytoven!
Touch the Darkness