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41 Year Old · Female · From Huntington, IN · Joined on September 30, 2007 · Born on September 3rd · 1 person has a crush on me!
41 Year Old · Female · From Huntington, IN · Joined on September 30, 2007 · Born on September 3rd · 1 person has a crush on me!

O my goodness, I live in a small town. I am very lively and sometimes cant control myself... Will try pretty much anything once....Always have to have something keepin me busy, I enjoy my job and my crazy ass friends. I have a very big heart, .r{} div#modulebasicInfo{background:transparent url(http://counters.gigya.com/wildfire/IMP/CXNID=2000002.0NXC/bT*xJmx*PTEyMjkxNDg5MjAwMDYmcHQ9MTIyOTE*ODkzMDc*NCZwPTIxMDY5MSZkPXByb2ZpbGUmZz*xJnQ9Jm89OTM5MTM2YzU1MjA5NGQ1OGE3Y2I4Njg3ZjhkYjA*ZDM=.gif) no-repeat scroll 0 0} Layout by CoolChaser /* Basics==================================== */ body { font-size: 1px; line-height: 1px; font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif; background-color:e5e5e5; background-image:url(); background-attachment: fixed; background-position:center center; background-repeat:no-repeat; } .cool { junk; left:0px; top:0px; width:45px; height:137px; 8; } p {margin: 0px 0px 1em 0px; font-family: Verdana, sans-serif !important}a, a:link, a:visited {color:F35485; text-decoration: none;}a:hover {color:76996E; text-decoration: none}img {border: none}br {line-height: 10px;} br + br{ line-height:0;}u {text-decoration: none; }table table table br { line-height:15px; }* html table table table.latestBlogEntry br { line-height:0; 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41 Year Old · Female · From Huntington, IN · Joined on September 30, 2007 · Born on September 3rd · 1 person has a crush on me!
I love scary movies..... I like to travel if I have the money.... Concerts.... addicted to them Oh, DRINKING!~ AND.... I can cook like you wouldnt believe
Metal all the way..... ok, some rock too,. As I lay Dying is my favorite band, but All That Remains, Shadows Fall, an the Deftones are up there with them. I like some 80\'s hair bands too. I dunno, he lyrics in a song have to kinda relate to me somehow to be damn good. Alexisonfire, Bullet For My Valentine. Hurt, Chevelle, Framing Hanely, and so on~really get me going.

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