44 Year Old
Invited by: Poison·
Joined on September 28, 2007
Relationship status: Single
Born on June 20th
·17 referrals joined!
I am a single mom Dairean is 8 he lives with his dad Dalton is 6 he also lives with his dad, Keira is 3 and Rylie is almost 6 months they both live with me. I am a disabled Army vet, I broke my shoulder and even after surgery I lost alot of my range of motion. I do not want to cam with you so dont ask, the best way to get me to like you would be to treat me like a lady because I am not a whore!!
44 Year Old
Invited by: Poison·
Joined on September 28, 2007
Relationship status: Single
Born on June 20th
·17 referrals joined!
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