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40 Year Old · Female · From Minneapolis, MN · Joined on September 27, 2007 · Born on October 2nd · 1 person has a crush on me!
40 Year Old · Female · From Minneapolis, MN · Joined on September 27, 2007 · Born on October 2nd · 1 person has a crush on me!

Hi I'm Rachel, soon-to-be 23 years-old next Tuesday! I live with my super wonderful, sexy, smart boyfriend in Richfield, MN. I'm just on here for friends so no hook-ups or whatever else you have in mind. I'm loyal to my guy and it's going to stay that way until the end of time. We're eventually going to be getting married!! I'm so thrilled and excited..plus I can't hardly for the day I'm offically his wife!!

I'm a college student..currently attending Normandale Community College working on my transfer credits. Hopefully, soon I'll be accepted to a four-year college within the next year. I'm majoring in Equine Studies and my minor is still kinda up in the air as to what I want to do..thinking Forensic Science though..or maybe Photography. But that's another thing...lol.

Some random things about me: I'm..an Equestrian. Girlfriend. Best Friend. Musician. Niece. Sister. Daughter. Granddaughter. Smart-ass. Girlgamer. Nerdy. Girly. Dark. Mysterious. Friendly. College Student.Horse lover. Nature lover. Photographer. Writer. Artist. Just to name a few..lol.

Besides going to college and being a housewife in training etc...I also spend my time training my Pembroke Welsh Corgi in fine manners..lol. Nah. Teaching him some tricks and stuff. He's so cute!!

40 Year Old · Female · From Minneapolis, MN · Joined on September 27, 2007 · Born on October 2nd · 1 person has a crush on me!
E q u i l i b r i u m
S h o o t e r
R e s i d e n t E v i l 1 - 3
S t a r g a t e
E u l o g y
D r o p D e a d F r e d
T h e I t a l i a n J o b
F l i c k a
F u n w i t h D i c k a n d J a n e
3 0 0
W i l d H o g s
T h e T r u t h A b o u t C h a r l i e
F a s t & T h e F u r i o u s : T o k y o D r i f t
R a c i n g S t r i p e s
C h a r l i e & T h e C h o c o l a t e F a c t o r y
T o p G u n
M i s s i o n I m p o s s i b l e
S t a r W a r s 1 - 6

Video Games
Hmm..I love my XBOX 360 to death!! None of this PS3 shit.

Video Games I love to play:

GRAW. GRAW 2. Call of Duty 3. Rainbow Six Vegas. Overlord. Forza 2. GUN. Lego Star Wars II. The Darkness. Chromehounds. Tetris Evolution. Viva Pinata. Need For Speed Most Wanted. Rayman Raving Rabids. Gears of War.

* Just got Halo 3 for my birthday!!

Games to get:

Army of Two. Condemned 2. Two Worlds. Lost Planet. End Wars. Fallout 3. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare.

Gamertag is: msghostleader

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