41 Year Old
Joined on September 27, 2007
Born on November 26th
I'm not really good with this about me stuff, so I'm going to copy and paste my myspace thing here. I might update it later on, but not right now, because I'm too lazy and I want to make coffee.
First and foremost I'm a husband to a wonderful woman and a father to an amazing little baby girl. I work for the Arizona Department of Corrections as a Corrections officer. I plan on making my profession as a Law Enforcement Officer and aspire to earn my Title as an FTO (Field Training Officer) as well as get my Sergent title before leaving Corrections. I hope to be a member of the Tucson Police Department in five years. I write my Sword and Sorcery novels when time permits which is sparse right now, but perhaps in a few years I can get my works published. I paint occasionally now, but I do miss it. Mostly that's about it, if you want to know more about me just ask. I might answer, no stupid questions. I am a member of a "religious" organization that advocates rational self indulgence and healthy self possession. It's an atheistic religion called, quite carnivally; "THE CHURCH OF SATAN" it was set up by a man named Anton LaVey in the 1960's. It's not what you might think it is so if you have further questions, feel free to go to a book store and pick up a copy of the Satanic Bible, or visit their website at www.churchofsatan.com, or if you're a really good or close friend of mine, feel free to ask me some questions. Anyways, enough about that. I, myself am a relatively easy going guy, who gets along with most people. Though I have been fairly Anti-Social these days, mostly because I have other obligations to fill. My time is relatively limited, but I do miss hanging out with my friends.
"Do you have to sell your soul to Satan and sign a pack in Blood?" "Come on--souls come very cheap these days. This myth is perpetuated by Christian Satanists who are following the lead of medieval witch hunters. Satan demands a much harder task than signing over your soul in blood. He demands that you live your life as fully as you can, prosper by your own wits and avoid misery. You wouldn't believe what a tall order that is for most people" -Quote by Anoton LaVey---------------------------------------------------
41 Year Old
Joined on September 27, 2007
Born on November 26th