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41 Year Old · Male · From Chardon, OH · Invited by: Raxxillion · Joined on September 27, 2007 · Born on August 19th
41 Year Old · Male · From Chardon, OH · Invited by: Raxxillion · Joined on September 27, 2007 · Born on August 19th

Hello and welcome to my page! My name is Brian Szabo. Im 24 about 180lbs 5"9, sandy blond hair, with blue eyes. My nickname is BoBo ask me and i'll tell you about it! As of right now im working two part time jobs. One is at a school called The Ohio Center for Broadcasting, which I attended. I work there as an Instructor Assistant. Pretty much I help students with audio and video production, and any other questions they might have. I also do the remotes for the school. In a nut shell, I go to locations and set up the gear to do a live broadcast!!! You can hear the broadcasts on www.beonair.com!!! My other part time job is at Clear Channel Cleveland. I am a board opperator for WGAR, MIX 106.5, MAJIC, WMMS and KISS FM. I pretty much make sure what you hear on the radio is being played!! Im hopeing in the future to become a music producer/engineer, recording bands, and also commercials for radio. Music is the driving force in my life! I have eight guitars and love playing them!!! I've been playing guitar for ten years now and love it! Its my theropy!!! lol I also care very deeply about my family and friends, they mean everthing to me, and I would be nothing without them!! Im a nice guy, so I get steped on alot, but I realize it not them its me. There is somethings I would really would like to change about myself, but all in all im happy with who I am and what I stand for. I have never been arrested (close to)lol. I have never hit a woman (and never will), I have never killed any one (no one has the right to take another persons life.) I have never been anything but myself. I've been called names, beaten up, sued by my best friend, and my heart has been broken, but I've taken all of those bad things in my life, and try to use them in a positive way! Im not a saint, but try to be the best person I can. Some days I wake up fealing like a million bucks and nothing can ruin my day. Other days I dont even want to wake up. I look at our future and question it, but look forward to being old, and haveing grandkids! I am a big metal head, and love to go to concerts, but im not a evil person! I've always thought that I was an angel sent to earth to make the people around me smile, laugh, and feel good! Go ahead and call me crazy, I'll thank you for the compliment! If you want to know more about me, please ask, and if theres any advice i can give people its this. Treat people as to how you would want to be treated, you never know who they might be!!!

41 Year Old · Male · From Chardon, OH · Invited by: Raxxillion · Joined on September 27, 2007 · Born on August 19th
10 things that I look for in a woman (lady's listen up)

1. I am an eye kind of guy! If i can stare into your eyes all day and get lost in time, your totaly in.

2. This is a MUST. You must be able to hang with my friends. There like family to me, and i will respect your friends if you respect mine.

3. PERSONALITY!!! Im kinda of a goofy guy. If you cant laugh at something stupid, funny, sad, or anything. I am not for you!

4. Must be able to hang with the big boys! this means not getting sloppy shitty drunk and making a scene.

5. Must like the pretty things in life, but not be conceeded, and for god sakes if your more worried about the name brand of your clothes, burn your computer to the ground, I dont want to chatch your desease.

6. One of the most important. BRAINS. I can't sit there and have a conversation with some one that says like, and umm, and that stupid "that hot" bull shit.

7. If your into Metal and rock and roll your in!!!!

8. Must like sex. I know your thinking "what a perv.", but believe it or not i dated someone that didnt like to do anything. Even kissing her was like pulling teeth soooo....

9. Must like being treated like an equal, not and object, or an animal. Women are like flowers. Give them love and watch them bloom.

10. LOOKS!!!!! Hey im not a shallow guy, and im not that bad of a looking guy, so you better not be either.

10 things women should look for in a guy!

1. Presonality. I know way to many girls that say that there boyfriend is an asshole! Well if he doesnt treat you right and your still with him, its not his falt its yours, dump the looser.

2. Looks. Looks are kinda important. If your thinking about dateing a guy who is more worried about what kind of shirt hes got on, then you. Hes a self- centered asshole. Also if he doesnt dress up on a special occation, hes not worth you.

3.Intrests. Sometimes opposites do attract. It doesnt mean that they will stick though. Make sure you and your man have some things in common.

4. Life style. If your a party girl and you find a guy that isnt. Things might not work out the way you want to. Either your up partying and hes in bed or the other way arround, and trust me girl's guys dont like there women going to parties with out them, even if they say its cool.

5. Out look on life. If your thinking babies and he isnt, this doesnt mean to dump him, just make sure that when it comes time to think about marrige and babies both of you are on board.

6. Parents. If you dont get along with his parents its ok as long as he loves you, nothing else matters, but you should at least try to get along.

7. Soul mates!! I know that mine is out there waiting for me to sweep her off her feet and give her everything she needs. Trust me yours is out there too!

8. Talking. Oh man i cant stress this one enough. If you have a hard time talking to your boyfriend, you realy need to sit down and tell him this. Men would rather know whats wrong then sit there guessing whats wrong, or wrose what he said or did, becuase girl's, some times men have no idea why your pissed at them. Let them know in a nice way, dont take his head off!!!

9. Friendship. If you can, date a guy that is a best friend to you, then you have nothing to worry about. Because hes is your friend and would do anything not to loose that!

10. Most men lie, cheat, and lie some more. I'm sorry to have to tell you that. These guys are assholes and you should stay away from them. Like I said though MOST not all. This is a sad reality and it sucks for us men that dont! HONESTY in a realtionship is the best thing that you can have!

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