52 Year Old
St George, UT
Joined on December 27, 2015
Relationship status: Single
Born on August 4th
Sexxx, Music, Horses, & SEXXX... is there ANYthing else as simple, E~Z & fREE, besides ME..?!? & a wARm adorable lil precious female lying beneath my hardbody in a pool of hot oil, sweet sweat, & ...???... Go right ahead I dare ya to finish that for US..!?! ...mmmm...yEAh...uh~huh...good girl baby... NOW BRING IT 2ME, relaxxx, open up, let go, & allow ME..?!? Trust ME I KNOW HOW..!!! I've studied, researched, practiced the fine lost "art" of MY SEXXX for many years now... & lay here in such waste ALONE..??? Whata crying shame..! Yes Mr.Tough Guy cries, especially when she does & during SEX? O..!..M..!..G..!!! WhataRUSH Yeah... I dont want yor pity..!!! Just yor shame... & yor pain I will take away gently...as U fEEL ME, fEEL YOU, fEELn ME in La~La...thats WHY WE gO there..!!!
52 Year Old
St George, UT
Joined on December 27, 2015
Relationship status: Single
Born on August 4th
I'm a fReAk & finally accept & embrace that totally... XXXtremely INTENSE, incredibly amazing, & yeah, "way too much" they all say..?! Such waste of a wonderful gifted MAN...ALL alone, NO family, few GOOD friends, & so MUCH of ME to GIVE AWAY fREELy...it IS sad, very sad... I read, write, play, perform music & been a Professional Athlete my entire life... & they wonder what its like to BE a WORLD CHAMPION(cage-fighter)..?!? I KNOW exactly&HOW too..!!! Twice as a matter of fact MMA... & a better lover! Yet NObody knows/understands me... Justa "stranger", weirdo, different from ANY other, NOTHING like typical man, just "way too much" they say..?!? Cant/WONT handle"IT"?! FYI; BEEN THERE/DONE THAT is an understatement & I didnt get there being 1/2assed, weak, or indolent..! Like the rest of society's "sheep"... baaaah blah bLAh... Whatever..! It reads "& the meek shall inherit the earth" NOTHING about weak people..!?! I'm alil rough around the edges & tired of being tough too! I"NEED" a nympho 4A LOVER not a "pussy"! KowgirlUP4me...please..??? Make me fEEL you! My body luvs the pain, please DO! U can only hurt me inside, but DONT..! Been hurtn there 4vr...my poor heart starves for love, my hardbody wants yor touch & I'm "craving" SEX from the SOUL wildly! Sooo...cum~n~get "IT"...ALL..! I dARe ya..!!!? OWN ME..! i'm yors
ANY kinda ROCK~n~ROLL..!!! Classic, Alt., Punk, Electric, Blues, whatever!!! LONG LIVE ROCK~n~ROLL...4VR like MY SOUL..!
Action..? 007 Bond..? Comedy..? Dont watch much T.V....NO interest wasting time 4anything but Sports, Concerts, Info, &a Good Movie once in great while... Rather make our own in the bedroom...La~La..?!
...?...MYSELF...?...as I WORSHIP YOU..!!! & YOU...as U worship ME..!?! Can ya? I dont have ANY problem on my end of the deal..! Neither should you..! Get over it & GET REAL..! Or get the hell away from me... Kuz U WILL OWN ME..!!! I dont mind
Video Games
NONE..!!! Boooooooring..!