If Intersted in Learning to Bomb or if you Already know How.My online friend from here for 12 months could use some Contest Love.Are u interested in becoming a Bomber for Wolves of Wiccan Society?I desire Bombers Bad.For this Mission I will Reward 11's for all that Bomb my Cherokee friend Witchsbrew ,An I will Provide Morphs after Cheries Contest or during to bombers that excell.Hope to see u.JeffA Comment Bomber Continuously Drops comments on a Contestants Picture.Simular to commenting there picture in there photo album.Except instead of saying awesome,Kool etc u type gibberish.jjuyt,utyuyu,tyutyutyu,gggj,over an over same photo atleast 150x's.Depending on your Levels a Royal Elite Bomber drops 400-500 Daily an they can earn a brown Stripped Exotic Morph or triples etc.All first issued morphs are usually Wolves.Also can earn Rate Morphs such as Pirates,Skulls,Super Hero Charactors etc.If Interested add Wolves of Wiccan Society. after your nick name an I will send u the Link to Bomb. .Comment Bombing is also a great way to Level up.Hope to see you Blessed Be Lord Wolf Founder ~Wiccan Society of Wolves.for 300 comments Dropped on this contestant,I will 30, 11's a day per bomber if u can Help me out.(2 VIP Acct.)I will also have a morph of Choice made for you.~ Cherie~ Witchesbrew ... most votes wins . contest ends on January 15th @ 6 pmTy