58 Year Old
Joined on September 21, 2007
Born on August 3rd
I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
Not much to say I have been married for 16 years to a greet woman who is perfect accept she doesnt like sex, I dont buy bling or blasts but I will add friends anytime lets see Im a sports freak espn is always on the tv big raiders fan so no raider haters ya I know they sucked the last few years but it will a change soon I hope well thats all hope to see you on my friends list soon ok and someone please wxplain what a fu wife or husband is and how do u get one or become one
58 Year Old
Joined on September 21, 2007
Born on August 3rd
I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
Just checking to make sure I have you rated, fanned, since your on my friends list. I ask that you please do the same for me. I now have a man in my life so removed a lot of guys from my profile; so I would like to get down to rating everyone left on my list. If your close to leveling or have mobile pic's; please let me know; as for I don't see all the bulletins posted. I drop one rate and comment for contests but do not bomb....Thanks and hope to get around to everyone as quick as possible.....KiKi