From Hilmar, CA·
Invited by: 3dtrain·
Joined on September 18, 2007
Born on January 1st
I have a crush on someone!
Why Rusty Can, you may ask? Go ahead.... ask. It comes from a song my son wrote. Randy< the other guy not me, heard it and said "Hey that's a great name for us"-- or words to that effect. Being an easy-going agreeable type I said "Sure". And besides It's a whole lot easier to say and remember the "The Everlasting Jesus Music Machine' Which we called ourselves briefly back in the early seventies. Thirty some odd years later we're still doing this. Either we feel a need for it or we're gluttons for punishment. Richard--the shorter one=D
From Hilmar, CA·
Invited by: 3dtrain·
Joined on September 18, 2007
Born on January 1st
I have a crush on someone!