"Did Anyone Ever Tell You,Just How Special You AreThe Light that You EmitMight even Light a StarDid Anyone Ever Tell YouHow Important You Make Others FeelSomebody out here is SmilingAbout Love that is so RealDid Anyone Ever Tell You thatMany Times When They were SadYour E-mail made Them Smile a bitIn Fact It made Them GladFor the Time You Spend Sending ThingsAnd Sharing whatever You FindThere are No Words to Thank YouBut Somebody, Thinks You're FineDid Anyone Ever Tell YouJust How Much They Love YouWell, My Dearest FriendToday I am Telling YouI HOPE I GET THIS BACKI believe that without afriend you are missing out on a lot!!!But don't just send it back, send it on to everyone..Have a nice day, and I'm glad we are friends!!!
Hey girl ... My name is SirDaddyDom stoppin by to give you some LOVE and some naughty thoughts and dreams ... *wink* ... stop by anytime , my door is always open and so is my lap as well BUT i have to warn YOU ...*wink* ... you are in wild night so better be ready ... *wink* ....
Hi sweetheart!!!You sent me a friend request and that makes me smile :)I am really lucky you want to be my friend :)I rated you and I fanned you I gave you a 10 or an 11 :)I fan all of my friends because you are special to me I look forward to getting to know you ...Just shout when you want to talk!!!!*hugs and kisses*Love, Marissa
I stopped by your profile sweetieI gave you an 11 or a 10 if I ran out of 11's :(I also became your fan!!!I would love it if you returned the favor :)And if you want to be friends please send me afriend request :)I love new friends!!!!!!!!!!And if you just need a friend to talk to feelfree to"shout"*hugs and kisses*Have a great day!!!!!Love,Marissa