Invited by: tenshiyoru·
Joined on September 16, 2007
Born on June 6th
I'm not gothic, I'm morbid. I'm not emo, I'm insane. My attitude is kill or be killed. I want my metal heavy, my girls wild and my alcohol extra-motherfuckin-alcoholic. Do not fuck with me in any way, shape or form; I will take whatever you call your life and stub it out like a cigarette without a second thought, no matter who's there watching or who saw me do it. I care nothing about how big you are. The harder you'll fall. I don't care about your disabilities or if you wear glasses. hehe I don't care about anything. You will treat me with respect and I will never fail to remind you of that as we go along. Do not second guess me no matter who you are. I will snap my fingers from any corner of the world and cut your mortality short. You won't know wtf hit you, and they'll never find me. I will carve out a living for myself. You will not stop me, and I will win. Don't stand in the way of my having fun, don't use me as a stepping stone, and remember, do not ever fuck with me. No, I don't take requests, I make demands. I'm a born leader and I'm very very careful about following anyone. Be warned: If you get in my face, be respectful! That's all you really need to know. Web profiles don't always do us justice, but I'll do my best to keep you updated.
Invited by: tenshiyoru·
Joined on September 16, 2007
Born on June 6th
Sex, drugs and rock and roll. Death. Psychosis. Motorcycles. Multiple personalities. Serial killing. War. Winning. Demons. Tattoos. Blood. Guts. Helicopters. Technology. Robots. Guns. Swords. Guitars. Stalking. Spying. Hunting. Martial arts. Weapons. Airplanes. Wrestling. Weapons of mass destruction. Horror. Aliens. UFO's. Telekinesis. ESP. Out of body experiences. Deja Vu. Terrorism. Bombs. Breasts. Pussy. Ass-kicking. Kidnapping. Ransom. Sharp things. Explosive things. Torture devices. Exploitation. Racketeering. Bribery. Blackmail. Eavesdropping. Robbery. Fraud. Counterfeiting and money laundry. Gambling. Human trafficking. Choking. Stabbing. Neck-breaking. Limb-slicing. Prostitution. Witchcraft. Flirting with the law. Breaking the law. Escaping the law. Alcohol. Assassination. Apocalypse. Ninjas. Magic. Hypnotism. Chess. Retribution and revenge. Biting. Anarchy. Martial law. Rape. Pillage. Plunder. Monsters. Crucification. Vigilante justice. Do I sound nice? I'm not half as nice as I sound when I purr. *meow!* Seriously, don't fuck with me! And don't invite me to your fucking lounge because I'm really not into your stupid chat sessions. Don't send me gifts. Rate me whatever your little brain decides on. I don't even give a shit if you comment me. You're probably a moron. In fact, don't bother me at all unless you have something for me that is definitely within the boundaries of my interest. Otherwise, I may be tempted to kill you. Tap me very carefully, mother and daddy-fuckers.
Saw, Hills Have Eyes, Hostel, Resident Evil. Just like violent video games, movies are also kind of wimpy and don't satisfy my bloodlust. I don't care what you think of me and I will not beg you to take me seriously. Acting nice is absolutely last in my list of interests. The only reason I keep repeating it is because you're very stupid and I want to make absolutely sure you realize how dangerous I am and how little I will think of your life; I will assume that mocking me may be your death wish. Well, so be it. Keep pushing me around and provoking me and see what happens to you. I don't care who you are or what your status is.
Video Games
The violent ones work for me, but I like to be pissed and I prefer to witness or commit real acts of violence. Violent video games are kind of wimpy and don't satisfy the voices in my head.