45 Year Old
Joined on October 22, 2015
Relationship status: Single
Born on January 15th
I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
45 Year Old
Joined on October 22, 2015
Relationship status: Single
Born on January 15th
I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
45 Year Old
Joined on October 22, 2015
Relationship status: Single
Born on January 15th
I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
Latest Status
sassy36 Back too that monday grind y'all. Have a good week everyone
Happy Wednesday! May the fingers of happiness press your love button today while you daydream of me playing love songs on the clarinet in your living room while naked and excited. The weather forecast for Boners Ferry, ID is 33 degrees with some clouds
Happy Saturday! Always remember to do what your told..... the Lord said to John,"Come forth and you will receive eternal life." But John came fifth, and won a toaster. The weather forecast for Bad Fallingbostel, Germany is 47 degrees and partly cloudy