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64 Year Old · Female · From St Louis, MO · Joined on September 29, 2015 · Relationship status: Single · Born on August 3rd · I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
64 Year Old · Female · From St Louis, MO · Joined on September 29, 2015 · Relationship status: Single · Born on August 3rd · I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!

Hi Everyone, I am Northern Cheyenne and speak the language. My real Native Name is Wind N Hair ( WA-HAN-TAY-TAY ) I love the outdoors and all that it implies. I love camping, floating down a river or just having an awesome day at the river. Nothing beats a good Bon- Fire after a long day of playing outdoors. I like power, hence my Bike and the Buffalo and yes I have ridden a Buffalo I was doing it for a Commercial for a Buffalo Ranch, Fox Farms. I am easy going, but strong in my beliefs. I'm to old to take crap so I avoid Drama like the plague. My childhood friends are still my friends after 45 years. I Respect the Wilderness and the Creatures that live there and am fighting a fight to keep the wilderness, Wild. I am a supporter and part of the Army of Defenders Of Wildlife. I am kind hearted and truly care about people, but people make the mistake of taking my kindness for weakness.. I believe in helping those who cannot help themselves as long as it is a hand up and not a hand out. I GREW UP IN FERGUSON and have Family still there... Well that's all I can think of so if ya want to know ... Ask ... MANY BLESSINGS

64 Year Old · Female · From St Louis, MO · Joined on September 29, 2015 · Relationship status: Single · Born on August 3rd · I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
I like all types of music except Rap and Opera, can't understand either one. I mainly stick with Classic Rock, but I like Country too. Been to many Bluegrass Festivals and Sang Backup with Ozark Mountain Daredevils on some of the Gigs around here. Have also done Backup with Meramec Rats and Oak Haven ( Local Bands ). I enjoy life to the fullest and I have a wicked sense of Humor. I love to laugh and have a good time. I enjoy meeting new people and can honestly say I have never met an enemy until they made themselves one. I treat people the way they treat me, which is mostly good because the not good get deleted quickly. My dream is to take a train ride out west and see what no one has seen unless they have ridden the rails. I would also like to go back and visit the Rez. Hope that gives ya some info on me.

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