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46 Year Old · Male · Joined on September 28, 2015 · Born on September 13th · 1 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!
46 Year Old · Male · Joined on September 28, 2015 · Born on September 13th · 1 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!

i don't share much about my life no point anymore seems like when i do i get judged right off the rip so i try and keep to my self for the most part i avoid people like the plague all in all if you want to know about me then ask i might talk about who i am.my life is full of my heart brakes and smashed dreams.one thing i will say about my self is i never give up no matter what this life takes from me i will always get up and keep moving forward no matter how bad i hurt or sad i am you will never see it unless i let you.last thing i know some people get there panties all in a bunch when proper grammar is not used or when the spelling if off a little but i don't care i do that just to get a rise out of people that and it's funny to me.

46 Year Old · Male · Joined on September 28, 2015 · Born on September 13th · 1 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!
cooking fishing hunting being a good person helping teaching people how to fix there own car/house/paint/cook /fish/read/write/i can do more then most my life has not been grate but i'm still alive.
very little country and NO crap or is it rap any thing else i'm game.
all kinds more horror then any thing.
Video Games
all kind's to much to add.

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