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34 Year Old · Male · Joined on April 12, 2015 · Relationship status: Single · Born on May 14th
34 Year Old · Male · Joined on April 12, 2015 · Relationship status: Single · Born on May 14th

Never really been into the self-reflection thing, more or less because I can be overly critical. My cynicism can be matched only by my capacity for hope(If that sounds odd to you imagine how I feel). I cannot help but see the negative "what if's" in every situation first, however the bright-side is never out of view(walking paradox). Conversations with random people don't come easy for me;essentially I remain cautiously reserved. I was(and in many ways still am) the fly on the wall, in the room yet invisible. That used to get me down but as I discovered there can be amazing solace in solidarity; finding common ground with most people now-a-days is next to impossible anyway(for me at least) since I do not really like doing things that "normal people" like to participate in. I don't like the club scene, bars always have some kind of B/S drama happening within them; hell, even the coffee shop and library crowds irritate me. I guess I just have a hard time liking people, as well as my self.
If I came with a surgeon general warning it would be.. "Just ignore and avoid, interact at your own peril"

34 Year Old · Male · Joined on April 12, 2015 · Relationship status: Single · Born on May 14th
Film(various genres)
literature( fiction/ non-fiction)
pseudo-spiritual practices
Interactive technology & computer science
board games
various artistry
alternative or "extreme" sports
The legalization of marijuana
Video Games
uncharted 1,2,3
crash bandicoot
infamous1,2,& second son
splinter cell
elder scrolls
Grand Theft Auto
call of duty
medal of honor
super mario
missile command
mirrors edge
far cry
mass effect
dead space
fatal frame
silent hill
batman: the arkham series
kingdom hearts

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