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Check out all the cool sh*t in the bling shop.
42 Year Old · Male · From Lethbridge, AB, Canada · Joined on April 4, 2015 · Relationship status: Single · Born on August 18th
42 Year Old · Male · From Lethbridge, AB, Canada · Joined on April 4, 2015 · Relationship status: Single · Born on August 18th

I live with a Yorkshire terrier, I pay my own bills, I wear socks that match and I love my mom. I am a confident, attractive, comedic person with a deep, philosophical side.

I'm an accountant now but I wasn't always in such a whacky profession. I co-starred on a TV show for kids in Japan. It was a spoof of the power rangers and I was the blue one. I miss wearing tights to work.

Six things I would never do without:

- Laughter / comedy
- Family (includes pets)
- Friends
- Good food and drink
- Sports and exercise
- Sorry. This one's just for me.

On a typical Friday night, I am trying to calculate pi to as many decimal places as possible. Either that or getting together with friends for a nice dinner or a movie.

The most private thing I'm willing to admit is that I use a special aftershave called Love Panther, by Odeon. It's illegal in nine countries and it's made with bits of real panther... so you know it's good.

42 Year Old · Male · From Lethbridge, AB, Canada · Joined on April 4, 2015 · Relationship status: Single · Born on August 18th

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