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45 Year Old · Female · Joined on March 30, 2015 · Born on December 24th · I have a crush on someone!

Let's see, my name is Rachael and to put it simply, I ROCK!! My degree is in Earth Science and I currently work for the US Geological Survey. I have traveled around the world twice chasing rocks and my work leaves very little time for anything else. I am rarely, if ever, in any one place long enough to form lasting relationships, so I have never been married and have no children.

I am a voracious flirt and truly enjoy banter of well-timed innuendo and double entendre'... flirty NOT dirty... save the dirty for the bedroom... Also, I am not a "pet person". Wouldn't be fair to some little critter to leave it kenneled or with friends more than it's with me. No, my pets are the creatures living within the rocks I study.

I have a great sense of humor, though some will tell you it borders on insanity... how else could I find pleasure between a rock and a hard place? And though I would not consider myself a "girly girl", I do enjoy playing "dress-up", love to be "wined and dined", and still have my favorite "toys". Oh, and remember... Metamorphically speaking, "schist happens even to the gneissest of people".

photo USGS_zpssuj635uv.jpg

USGS photo: Nevada Oil Exploration NevadaOilExploration.jpg

geology photo: Geology thebigbangtheory_s07e20_4.gif

geology photo: Field Geology Shirt Design 27076_1297659206262_1373824400_31021406_7923658_n.jpg

45 Year Old · Female · Joined on March 30, 2015 · Born on December 24th · I have a crush on someone!
photo MadScienceSassydebThisRocks_zpsgdrmvxmf.gif

USGS photo: peta usgs map_plate_tectonics_world1.gif

geology photo: Geology 1225642503024xl7.jpg

photo PVW Bourbon_zpsyxgdnvrj.jpg

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