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46 Year Old · Male · From Newark, OH · Joined on August 13, 2007 · Born on July 15th
46 Year Old · Male · From Newark, OH · Joined on August 13, 2007 · Born on July 15th

Really too many to list. I have my basic ones like music, movies, books, sports(both watching and participating), staying active, keeping up with current events, etc. to my not so basic ones like photograpy, cycling, writing and karate. I'm into a little bit of everything...ok just thought of some stupid stuff so maybe not "everything" :D

46 Year Old · Male · From Newark, OH · Joined on August 13, 2007 · Born on July 15th
Video Games
Don't have any of the new systems just an xbox and playstation. I like any games that aren't hard to play or beat.
On this I almost want to quote Joe Dirt and put "I'm a rocker man, here's my favorite bands, Def Lep, Van Halen, not Van Haggar"..so If I had to pick one genre it would have to be rock music. I appreciate all types of rock music from band all across the board, from the bands that started it all like the Beatles, Hendrix and Led Zeppelin to the bands I grew up with like Kiss, Journey, and Def Leppard to today's bands like Nickelback, Sevendust and Hinder. I'm a child of the 80's and 90's so I pretty much know any song that was a hit around that time.

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