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31 Year Old · Male · Joined on February 18, 2015 · Born on March 7th
31 Year Old · Male · Joined on February 18, 2015 · Born on March 7th

Hello there, nice to you stumbled across the profile of this newfag. My name is Levi, 20 years old (turning 21 in 3 weeks!!) and living in Amsterdam. I'm following the course to become a nurse, if everything goes fluently I should be done by next year. A whole new chapter will open for me and I am pretty excited. The reason why I enjoy being a nurse is because I'm socially a very strong person, I love to help and I am a real charmer. Last one is according to the people surrounding me, I might make poems without any intentions. I tend to flirt with others very passively, I love blushing on cute girls their faces.

31 Year Old · Male · Joined on February 18, 2015 · Born on March 7th
If you bothered reading about me, you should continue with my interests. Wouldn't it be a waste if you backed away now?

I'm a very flexible person, I might be a little skinny but that doesn't really make me suffer in the sports I do. I love to play basketball and like I said, I can be very flexible during gymnastics. I also like to stroll the parks during spring, even take naps in the forest. I am the king of napping.... I once fell asleep on the shoulder of a random female in public transport.... that was so embarrassing lol. OTHER SUBJECT.

I love animals, just nature in general. And you'll find me watching either discovery channel or animal planet when you spot me watching television.

Here are some fun facts about me, incase you're interested.

I have a very small beauty mark on my left cheek
I can be very blunt, cold and demanding at times. (I'm sorry)
If you show me chocolate I'll most likely drool (not really, but share with the boy willya?)
I enjoy cleaning, I enjoy seeing a clean house
I have a big mouth and I am pretty assertive
I absolutely hate it if you leave the door of my bedroom open
I am a pervert but still quite innocent, also a virgin lol.
I am single (Owh..this stud is available...~)
I like to dance I'm pretty decent...I guess
I'm a Mario Kart addict. Want to be schooled? My Nintendo ID is "GaintEnemyCrab"
I'm pretty conceited at times. You should know that by now.
I like fedoras, never wore them, but I like them
I like to hug, so gimme a hug!
Bunnies are my favorite animals
I'll most likely get angry if you eat my chocolate bar behind my back, so don't do that ok? (I WILL find out.)
My favorite movie of all time is "A bittersweet life"
Cuteness is my biggest weakness, so don't be cute for too long or I'll die of heart failure
My favorite anime is "Dennou coil"
I love to read travel literature. "A walk in the woods" by Bill Bryson is my favorite of the bunch
I'm a fashionist, I like wearing outfits and such, man I should really consider getting a fedora.
Super Smash Brothers WiiU has Shulk, I'm very happy about this. Just so you know.
I'm a decent cook
My father wants to couple me with this girl, but I can choose myself
I'm pretty damn sarcastic at times
I enjoy playing the keyboard, not so good at it tho...

Okay enough about me, it was quite the wall huh? Well, I didn't ask you to read it.... well thank you for doing so anyway! Hope to chat with you!
Music is my life, without music I have no guidance in life. I enjoy Hip Hop, smooth beats, R&B, Alternative Rock... much more.

Notable artists I listen are

The Grits
Black Milk
Re: plus
Daft Punk
J Dilla
Uyama Hiroto
In terms of movies, my preference in genres are Drama, Thriller and slice of life movies. I also enjoy watching anime, my favorites are Monster, Serial Expiriments Lain, Ghost in the Shell, Hunter x Hunter and Clannad.
Idols? Pff, does it seem like I would have an idol? I'm my own idol brah.
Video Games
I'm a Nintendo guy in terms of videogames, I love their 1st party titles. I do enjoy a little bit of every other company though.

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  • Shory No sure where to begin over here lol.
    10 years ago · Comment

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