start by ammedin your personal details hun...put up ur age n add some more pics...ur pics can be absolutely anything...if they are rudies, mark them as NSFW(not safe for wrk)...or they'll be deleted.also change ur location X X
hey baby...well you sussed the profile comments lol...Anything you like, click on increase your points n stuff just go rate pics, profiles, comment ppl n message ppl..Add stuff to ur stash like videos n pics, jokes n more. the more you do the more you get.Go in to the HELP option n read the Fubar bible...will tell you all you need to know on there.I will be online after 10 tonight so if you around i'll come help ya out.Have a good day darlin n talk to you real soon Nik x x x x
thanks for stopping by! thought id drop in and say hi!rated and fanned ya! if you could do the same that would be WONDERFUL!If you already have Thanks so much!Have a great day!
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