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45 Year Old · Female · Joined on January 19, 2015 · Born on January 14th · I have a crush on someone and 17 different people have a crush on me!

A few words to the wise #1 I dont normally mess with gift messages almost never. #2 I always read BLING messages as a matter of fact I suck my thumb and WILL DO THE SPLITS NAKID for bling. #3 CRUSH me I love to be CRUSHED Guaranteed to get a possitive response for a crush xoxo #4 If you really want my attention send credits Powerups!! I love to be spoiled what girl doesnt. #5 Im 5'3" tall I weigh 112 lbs Im the girl yer mommy warned you about... #6 I dont like Drama so please Im here to make friends flirt have some fun if you have a Girl stay the fuck away from me havent you learned yet she will catch you and she wont ever forget... That said... Have a Nice Day xoxo

Hi im Theresa. Im from the Midwest. Id like to keep my home out of the conversation so please dont ask, Im probably not going to sneak off and meet you somewhere for sex so dont ask, Im also probably not going to call you or give you my number so you can call or txt me so dont ask. Figuring out where im from and how youre going to get into bed with me shouldnt be the focus of what time we have together, so please be respectful and pretend like we are somewhere public and you need to say and do the right things or the conversation will be over. :). I do like Sports.. Football(The Chicago Bears) and Hockey (The BlackHawks) My dad was kind of a fanatic :) So I am daddies little girl in that way (not in others) I like to jog to walk to exercise in general. I like to be fit I dont smoke I drink socially for fun and I do like to go out with my girls have a little fun get a little wild. I dont like to be disrespected. I dont like it when men and or Boys talk dirty to me in the shout box it is disrespectful and well actually LAIME so please find some other way to break the ice. O and I really dont wanna see your Dick Ive had enough of those in my life so please find some other way to strike up some intelligent conversation besides throwin out pictures of your Dick. Im not really interested. What I am interested in is meeting some great people I can Call friends. Friends are things I can never have enough of :) Thank you so much and I do look forward to meeting everyone.. :)

Like Me Bling Me Fan Me Add Me Rate Me Eat me Spank me Suck Me Fuck Me but please dont disrespect me xoxo

Have a great day

Woman was created from the rib of a man

she was not made from his head ..... to top him

nor from his feet..... to be trampled on

she was made from his side, to be equal to him

from under his arm, to be protected by him

from near his heart, to be loved by him.

What Can I say I Like what I Like...
photo BWniceass-1.jpg

Haters O yea Go Fuck Yourself!!
photo fuckugirl.gif

Im No Angel...
photo Smokinangle.jpg


45 Year Old · Female · Joined on January 19, 2015 · Born on January 14th · I have a crush on someone and 17 different people have a crush on me!

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