Twin Peaks, Silent Hill, Horror, kitsch, camp, b-movies, Stanley Kubrick, Stephen King, The Shining (both book and movie, separately), interesting patterns in flooring, David Lynch, John Waters, classic rock, old-timey music, obscure music, speculative fiction, They Might Be Giants, Kids in the Hall, David Bowie, Queen, monster-of-the-week shows, the Addams Family, House of Leaves, Terry Gilliam, H.R. Geiger, Jethro Tull, Akira Yamaoka, Angelo Badalamenti, Minecraft, William Blake, Alan Moore, Neil Gaiman, Hieronymus Bosch, Tom Waits, Guillermo Del Toro, Baz Luhrmann, zombies, haunted houses, Halloween, Christmas, Christopher Guest, David Byrne, Lost Room, Haven, Jim Henson, Carnivale
Talking Heads, David Bowie, Jethro Tull, a bunch I listed on my Interests page.
Anything by David Lynch, John Waters, David Byrne, Baz Luhrmann, Stanley Kubrick