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63 Year Old · Male · Joined on November 28, 2014 · Born on September 11th
63 Year Old · Male · Joined on November 28, 2014 · Born on September 11th

We can all paint a picture of perfection here however the truth is we are not all perfect....So I come with the good and the not so good depending on the observer.....I believe uniqueness is something someone sees in a person and not so much what we see in ourselves..
I can say that I am and have worked on the things I feel I needed to and I love the self awareness that has made me the person I am....I am honest and faithful in a committed relationship and have learnt to listen more to others however will say a different point of view if I feel it is warranted...Its not what you say but how it is said I feel
I love communication and this is why I am doing a degree in counselling as I would like to share and help others with what I have learnt and keep learning for myself from them...We all have something to teach each other however I would like to find that special person that stands out for a commitment to share the more interment parts of life . Not just the physical but the mind body and inner soul and all that comes with it. This is special.
This person would have to be wanting or started their own self awareness journey too and realise that you are with someone because you want to be not because you have to be.
I am very much an outdoor man , fit and also like the indoors like warming up on a cold winters night with a good meal and fire...There is no golden rule as to what where or when but rather I feel what's right at the time for both...
Im open to anything new in life as I also believe we are here to learn so come on whoever is out there and wants to start a new chapter in their life....you never know...this chapter might be the last and the best...Whose willing?
By the way I do have a great sense of humour just in case it didn't show lol..

63 Year Old · Male · Joined on November 28, 2014 · Born on September 11th
Bright, Bubbly, Bashful, Bold & Beautiful Confident, Cute, Classy, Curious & Courteous. Elegant, Educated, Eloquent, Envious & Energetic.
The music I like spans from angelic type music, hip hop, rock & roll. Just as long as it has a great beat & takes you away to all the four corners of the globe I will listen to.
Again to stay in touch I need my daily dose of news in the evening. Love watching interesting documentries & comedy shows, ie Seinfeld, Becker, everybody loves Raymond and yes minister.Action movies and the occasional chic flick.
Like to snow ski, watch AFL, cricket, swimming & table tennis.
Video Games
Again to stay in touch I need my daily dose of news in the evening. Love watching interesting documentries & comedy shows, ie Seinfeld, Becker, everybody loves Raymond and yes minister.Action movies and the occasional chic flick.

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