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Joined on August 3, 2007
Born on November 19th
1 referrals joined!
A little bit about me:
I like fairies - duh.
I worked at the local Renaissance Festival for a couple of years.
I like to read. Especially modern mysteries and British chick lit.
I'm shy to start out, but warm up after a while.
I like to have fun, but then who doesn't.
I'm a mom.
I used to teach art and theater at a TINY private school as well as work with the couple of preschoolers we had. I loved that job.
I love art and am slowly learning more about it all the time.
I used to go to Rocky Horror Picture Show every weekend for a very long time.
I like spelling games and trivia kind of stuff, so I guess that makes me kind of a geek.
I like other geeks.
I like watching skateboarding. It's cool looking.
Open minded.
Want to know anything else, then feel free to ask.
Yes, I like music. Lots of different stuff. Not much country and western as it sounds like whining to me (sorry).
Music can be very personal and can transport the listener. It can invoke most any emotion and therefore can be a powerful tool. I'm very familiar with the idea of being lost in the music, and find myself quite often listening to music as a reflection of my mood.
Some favorites right now:
top 40 dance mixes
I like movies a lot.
Mostly comedies, but also some action flicks.
Even though I'm female I don't really care for some of the sappy romantic dramas out there. I've never seen "The Notebook". I like romantic comedies though. I tend to have a darker, sarcastic kind of humor, so I like that kind of thing.
This doesn't have a spot for t.v., so I'll add it myself.
I like stuff like "Scrubs" and "Seinfeld". One of my favorites is not even shown in this country. It's called "The IT crowd" from the U.K.
And...say what you will, love me or hate me, but I like some of the reality t.v. shows. It's fun to watch that stuff and then snark away on the people. It's amazing to me what some people will do for their 15 minutes of fame.
I don't know about idols really.
I have people I look up to and people who I like the way they think.
My mom, dad (RIP), Edwin (RIP). The Dalai Lama. Just in case it comes up... I believe in God, but I don't belong to a religion. I'm more spiritual than religious. I can discuss it with you, but I'm not going to fit the usual mold.