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Her eyes draw me in... teasing me... tempting me. I move across the crowded room to stand before her. She offers a hello, but licks her lips. Her clothing clings nicely to her curvacious body. My heart begins to pound, and I know that the tingling in my loins has become quite pronounced. Slowly my eyes move from hers... downwards. Drinking in her presence... and her sexuality. My mouth waters. I go to one knee, straddling her left leg... almost but not quite touching then take her left hand in mine. Her skin is hot... smooth... soft... in invitation of other... I shake my head to clear the thought of her naked flesh against mine as I lower my lips to the back of her hand. I smile at the sound of an"Oooohhhh" escaping from her lips. My kiss lingers, but my eyes travel up her legs... her hips (hmmmmmmmmm)... her breasts (oh my)... to her face which is framed so nicely... What is she thinking...??? Is it... Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from Sexi Luv.com
Bouquet of Sharp Teeth.Cold Gravel under my feet ,Cold that I had no cover to warm myself,I've Lived Here once in side this wound They call life,Life that I have Made the Same Mistakes one after another,This Floor I lye On Drains No pain from of me ,I Lye apon this Bouquet of Flowers Call Life,From what cause from touching the same flower,Flowers that have No thorns but sharp teeth,sharp from one Victom after repeating Cold bites,This cold gravel under my feet,A Flower that Has No Thorns,This Bouquet of Flowers are Full of many Sharp Teeth, CPR 2007 James Landry.